- Yes
- No
- The Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard (“anti-aircraft cannon tank Cheetah”, also known as the Flakpanzer Gepard) is an all-weather-capable German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG). It was developed in 1963 as a private venture to provide the German Army a modern/effective SPAAG during the height of the Cold War. The first prototypes were tested in 1968, passing several tests in the proving grounds before being adopted by the German Army in 1973, entering service initially as the Flakpanzer-1 Gepard. The Gepard was initially designed to protect installations, combat units, and troops from aircraft however due its versatility, it is able to combat light vehicles with APDS as well as a newer FAPDS rounds. Over 420 were built for the German Army. In 1976, a new model of the Gepard 1A2 was introduced with significant upgrades, including a new digital fire control system, new types of ammunition, etc., which became the mainstay of the German Army as well as the armies of Brazil, Chile, Jordan, Romania and the Netherlands. In Germany, the Gepard 1A2 was phased out in late 2010 and replaced by Wiesel 2 Ozelot Leichtes Flugabwehrsystem (LeFlaSys) with four FIM-92 Stinger or LFK NG missile launchers
- The Gepard 1A2 is fitted with twin Oerlikon KDA 35mm auto-cannons. These guns are belt-fed, allowing the rotation between multiple variants of ammunition and can carry a maximum of 680 rounds. Maximum rate of fire for a single gun is 550 rounds per minute. The Flakpanzer Gepard 1A2 utilizes a new APDS round known as the DM33 Frangible Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot-Tracer (FAPDS-T). This round likely still retains the similar characteristics as the DM23 APDS round in terms of penetrating capability, however the Tungsten core is designed to fragment post-penetration causing several fragments to splinter and wreak havoc inside of an armored vehicle. This new FAPDS round increases the Gepard’s survivability against light to medium vehicles. General search radar is located at the rear of the turret roof and tracking radar is located between the guns. The Gepard 1A2 is fitted with friend-or-foe identification system integrated with the Search RADAR. Both the Search and Track RADAR’s of the Gepard 1A2 has a maximum range of 15 km. It provides all-round scanning with simultaneous target tracking as well as search on the move capabilities. This SPAAG is also fitted with a digital fire control system. The hull of the Gepard 1A2 is based on a Leopard 1, providing protection against small caliber cannons, while turret protection is only against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters. It is also fitted with NBC protection system. The Gepard 1A2 has a crew of three, including commander, gunner and driver.
- Gepard 1A2 upgrade listing:
- Enhanced NBC protection system for increased survivability.
- Unspecified Night Vision Devices for crew members for night time targeting.
- EADS Digital Fire Control System with increased firing ranges and reduced reaction time.
- New Laser Rangefinder mounted above the tracking RADAR.
- New ammunition such as DM33 FAPDS-T, etc.
- New RADAR capabilities increasing detection ranges to 15km.
- APU to operate without use of engine to decrease thermal signature.
- This variant of Gepard was used by the German Army for over 34 years!
- Armament:
- 2x 35mm KDA Oerlikon GDF Auto-cannons
- Characteristics:
- Length: 90 Calibers
- Rate of Fire (RoF): 550rds/min.
- Characteristics:
- Ammunition (Rounds carried by the 1A2 with the exception of the incendiary rounds):
- Muzzle Velocity: 1,400m/s
- Penetration:
- Likely the same as the DM23 or slightly weaker.
- Designed for anti-aircraft use.
- 640rds carried.
- Note: This round has very similar pentation capabilities of the DM23, however, it is capable of fragmenting significantly causing far more damage and spalling (see pictures). Exact penetration values differ per source.
- Penetration:
- Same as in-game.
- DM11A1 HEI-T:
- Muzzle Velocity: 1,175m/s
- Penetration:
- ~15mm up to 500m.
- Designed for anti-aircraft use.
- ~15mm up to 500m.
- Storage:
- Total of 680rds stored.
- Effective Range: 5.5km
- Disclaimer: There are reports of a 35mm APFSDS Long Rod round (PMD-060) developed in the late 80’s to early 2000’s with a penetration of ~170mm of RHA at point blank range used however I haven’t found any credible source. This would exponentially raise its BR if found to be actively used by the German Gepard 1A2. In the most likely case, only the newer FAPDS-T and HVAPDS-T rounds were used. If you can provide more details, please place in comments.
- 2x 35mm KDA Oerlikon GDF Auto-cannons
- Armor:
- All-around 30-25mm RHA (same values as in-game).
- Small arms protection on the turret (same values as in-game).
- Sensors:
- Fire Control System:
- EADS Digital Computer
- Fire-on-Move capability.
- Increased firing range.
- EADS Digital Computer
- Search RADAR:
- Type: S-Band
- Search-on-Move capability.
- Range: 15km
- Scanning Capability: 360 degrees.
- Type: S-Band
- Tracking RADAR:
- Type: Ku-Band
- Track-on-Move capability.
- Range: 15km
- Type: Ku-Band
- Fire Control System:
- Maneuverability:
- Engine:
- MTU MB 838 Ca M500 10-cylinder Multifuel Diesel
- Power Output:
- 830hp at 2,200rpm
- Transmission:
- 4 Forward, 2 Reverse
- Speed:
- 65 km/h
- Power-to-Weight Ratio:
- 17.5 hp/t
- Turret Traverse:
- 90 degrees per second.
- Gun Elevation:
- -10 to 85 degrees, powered elevation of 45 degrees per second.
- Engine:
- Crew (x3):
- Gunner
- Commander
- Driver
- Fire-protection Equipment
- 8x 76mm Smoke Grenades (4x each side)
- Laser Rangefinder
- Night Vision Device
- Driver
- Commander
- Gunner
- Simple post to include an upgraded Gepard similar to the jump of the Leopard A1A1 to the Leopard 1A5.
- The Gepard 1A2 would perform very similarly to the current in-game Gepard 1 with the exception of stronger ammunition, night vision equipment, increased search/track range, and slightly increased firing range due to upgraded fire control. This vehicle will look almost exactly the same as all upgrades are internal with the exception of the new laser rangefinder above the tracking RADAR.
- The Frangible APDS would increase survivability as it would “shred” modules and side armor of tanks, causing a lot more fragmentation disposing of crews. The difference between the DM23 and DM33 is the ability to fragment. The overall penetration capability remains almost the same.
- The DM63 will increase overall effectiveness of the Gepard against land-based vehicles. Performance is similar to the DM23 in terms of characteristic with greater penetration.
- Gunner NVD would allow for night-time anti-air capability.

Full view of the DM33 FAPDS round.

Gram showing the capabilities of the 35mm rounds, more specifically the FAPDS.
- Flakpanzer Gepard - Wikipedia
- Gepard Mobile Air Defence System - Army Technology
- Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard
- http://defencejournal.com/feb-mar99/gepard.htm
- https://ndiastorage.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/ndia/2002/gun/buckley.pdf
- Oerlikon GDF - Wikipedia
- 35mm Oerlikon KDA | Weaponsystems.net
- 35x228 Oerlikon FAPDS - General Ammunition Discussion - International Ammunition Association Web Forum
- https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a372821.pdf
- Cartridge, 20mm HVAPDS-T, DM 63