
Or he’s flaring so much that it just trails back to his plane, that I see happen from time to time too. No replays that I can find tho… guess it will forever remain a mystery

If its WTD61, its premium and thus will have all mods unlocked

Yeah… I have no doubt there is an entirely reasonable explanation, from what others have said, he skipped to top tier via premiums and just expects the CM button to make him immune for several seconds without anything else needing to be done

Ah true, forgot that…

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yes it does… it says if you hover over the flares large caliber flares

Oh, well I guess you hear it now, but the F-111A lost its large caliber countermeasures in the Seek and Destroy update…

Here a bug report if you want to see it changed back though: Community Bug Reporting System

They just skip it

Make them unskippable and you can’t play the plane unless you have watched the tutorial and demonstrated you know how to do it

TF you talking about? I got it after the seek and destroy, and it still has large caliber countermeasures( at least for flares, chaff may not be large caliber)

You sure? Datamines have shown it lost them, in game files confirm it as well, it isn’t listed in the statcard either. But maybe the localization didn’t get changed.

You can check it yourself:


Current F-111A and F-111F files for reference:

War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/flightmodels/f_111a.blkx at · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub

War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/flightmodels/f_111f.blkx at · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub

Use alt+F and “countermeasure_” to find the relevant lines.

Furthermore, there was the datamine notes itself:

It’s not really easy to find out in game itself, because standard and large countermeasures have the same burntime (4.5s).

dude I play on Xbox and based on that picture flares are still large but chaff isnt

Not sure what playing on xbox has to do with anything, but I mean… what are we even argueing about? It just doesn’t have them anymore, statcard doesn’t mention large caliber either like it used to.

Here are pictures of the game files if you meant that you can’t view those links:


F-111A (standard only):

F-111F (large and standard, for reference):

What pic? The one from the datamine notes? Mentions nothing about flare or chaff only, there are no containers in this game that include both types in one I’m pretty sure, well at least the F-111A doesn’t have it. It shares the same standard CM dispenser (in-game wise) as other planes, like the A-10 for instance.

Anyways if you don’t want to believe it, I guess there’s no problem in that too.

its not in the statcard you have to go to modifications and hover over countermeasures…

(edit) I think you got the A varient confused with the F as the f gets 120x normal and 60x large
the A meanwhile only gets 60x large

Screenshot 2024-10-08 9.19.21 AM

Says regular too? Not sure if maybe something is different with xbox localization files or something…

It also only gets 52 CMs, not 60

TF? wat? when tf did they do that last night? (btw that’s not the countermeasure window)

lol, for me it has been like this since seek and destroy, so idk what’s going on…

I mean, ok can you maybe provide a pic instead then… there is no mention of large caliber anywhere I see. I don’t have the F-111A crewed so the only thing I can’t check is the countermeasure window upon spawning the plane, which is the only other place it will tell you otherwise it may be large/standard.

oh my bad I mixed up the amount of countermeasures with the f4’s

if you hover over the actual countermeasure window with the flare picture though it should say large countermeasures though

Thats bullshit with the RP earned. I guess its the base RP what is shown there. I grinded almost the Full Britain Air Tree with the Harrier GR1 and have Only 1,5 Mil RP While ACE was about 2 Mill which i already have for a Long Time.

In the modifcation windows? There is no such option. Built-in countermasures are always displayed with the offensive armament, used to be seperate before they introduced the custom flare/chaff split mechanic. In the menus when doing a test flight for some reason the game will show any countermeasure as just “countermeasure” too, so that doesn’t work. Only place I know you can check it otherwise is if you go into a match (of any kind) and hover over the flare/chaff split menu and it will say what caliber it is, but I don’t want to spend 240k SL to find out rn, so maybe you could try that.