Fix the Horten

Hense why I, yet again, put stealth in quotations, because people call it “stealth”

We should simply destroy the myth by not mentioning it. It’s pure fiction.


Watching the replay will show you that the community’s perception of this plane’s performance is wrong. The majority of the playerbase does not know how to use this plane at all.

Even if you will not discuss pilot skill and knowledge, we can still discuss machine abilities.
At max prop speed (generally speaking), 650 KMH IAS on the deck, the Horten can CLIMB. This means that any prop that chooses to chase a Horten, will find itself at a worsening energy disadvantage the longer the chase goes. This applies to many, if not all, early jets.
The Horten can maintain a rather tight turn at 550 KMH IAS. No prop can, and if it does maintain that speed, then it means the turning circle is as wide as somebody’s mother.
Sure, any plane can outroll the Horten. But what’s the next step in your rolling master plan? Realize that you just bled all of your energy? I reset and you’re not rolling out of my guns a second time with what speed you have left. Your options? None. None that I can think of at least.
Bad rudder? Rotate your head 90 degrees and the rudder becomes godly.
So you think you can outclimb my 24 m/s climb with 28 or 30 m/s or whatever. Alright, then you dive. But you can’t catch up to me because I’m going 900 in a shallow dive. Both go up after a brief chase, and the Horten will be higher than the prop. Game over.
Surely low speed battles can get you somewhere? You go slow. The Horten goes slow. But the Horten stalls at an incredibly low speed. You better pray you read the Horten’s energy state correctly, because you can’t roll at stall speeds either.
In summary:
Going fast? kills you.
Climbing? kills you.
Rolling? delays your death (kills you).
Going slow? kills you if you’re not careful, but you do get the best chance like that.
As a prop, your only choice in a 1v1 is making me overshoot when I’m compressing. Good luck trying that again if you miss.

I suggest actually watching the replay. Rolling didn’t get people much results other than delaying death. Yes I horribly missed the F89 a lot, but that’s my personal skill issue in that instance. The way he was flailing around did not help him in the slightest, and missing was completely on me. If you want to see rolling that actually made me miss, look at one of the F8Fs I killed.

But you know what? I’ll go with what one of the commenters here wrote. Lets put this plane at 6.7. I’m curious about what kind of suffering I can put F4Us, BF109G/Ks, Do 355s, J2M3s, various spits, and other 5.7s in full downtiers through.

I would absolutely not forgive Gaijin if they change the FM any more. It’s perfectly fine as it is.

Edit: here, have another cherry picked replay. It has baiting a million people (totally not a bad situation I got myself into, very tactical /s) by preserving energy in a turn (true), props failing to dodge, high speed chase after an F84B, and ending in a dogfight with a Yak-15. Despite all the rolling, the Yak didn’t get away. If it were a prop Yak, I would exit and rebuild energy.
replay link

This was tested and did literally nothing to the RCS the charcoal mixture was literally just because they didnt have enough glue so had to improvise

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That just makes it even more hilarious

because I don’t care about your replay? Ok lmao

It’s not even my replay Super Dave. Someone gave you proof of how effective it is and you just go “nuh uh. I didn’t watch it so it isn’t real”

The horten isnt effective outside of CAS i dont think one’s ever killed me because of how piss poor its flight characteristics are, sure it can turn fast in flat 90° turns but thats it all you need to do to kill a horten is bait it into a turn so they’re rolled over and just pull up or make another sharp turn in the opposite direction there’s literally nothing they can do

This roll rate almost makes the stock F-15 look good

PLEASE watch the server replays I posted throughout this thread.
Turning is the last thing you want to do next to a Horten, unless you’re in a Vampire or a P59.

Why would i care about your server replay i always turn to engage hortens and force them to bleed all their energy trying to get on target because of their awful rollrate, a server replay getting a bunch of kills doesn’t mean the horten is good i could do the same in the french AD4 using it as a fighter and i have before

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You will see that the Horten barely loses energy in gentler turns, compared with pretty much any other plane it has to face.
The point of the replays is not the number of kills, but what the Horten was capable of doing to many different planes. That is what I’m trying to show. That props can’t do shit, regardless of rolling abilities.

Got any input on my post comparing the planes? A post with claims that are backed up by several replays. I’m genuinely interested on the perspective of other players about my claims.

Uh yeah they can bleed its energy doing sharp turns i don’t know if you’ve noticed but the horten is literally a flying wing sure its neutral drag in level flight is good but its drag is horrible in turns

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As I have written several times in this thread already: try a gentle turn with the Horten. 7G max, at 550 KMH IAS. See what happens, and think of the implications.

Again ill just turn the other direction and watch you waste energy trying to roll

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You would lose more energy than me. Watch the replays, rolling only delays death for you.

hahah no
You’re just gonna end sub 500kph and id outaccelerate

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I can maintain 550 to 500 KMH IAS in a turn that is hard to challenge. You can only outaccelerate me at 250 to 450. Even if you do take a 4D chess tier flight path to get out of my guns, I can always easily exit the fight to regain energy, while you struggle keeping up because you too need to spend energy to maneuver.