Pretty simple statement I have to make, make the convoys visible, and not halfway underground, because I love dying to a SPAA which I cannot even see!
Probably also reduce their zones of death
You mean “vaporized within a 5km radius”?
Yeah that.
“The bug zapper from hell 3000”
Yeah, I would have named it “ass clencher 5000”
This problem has been existing for at least several years.
I have similar problem while creating missions in CDK when I design a path for a vehicle. You should really take care of creating this path to avoid vehicle sinking into the ground or floating in the air. For large maps like sim EC it should be really time consuming.
I would not expect the solution of this problem in the nearest future.
Just making their AAA reasonable would be a big step forward.
I hate it when all objectives are convoys. I “could escort” them, but nobody will try to destroy convoys so it doesn’t matter. Can’t even go and bomb them out with a fighter-bomber or dive bombers in WW2 because they snipe you out of the sky far beyond your weapons’ effective range.
WW2 truck-mounted anti-air has no business hitting a maneuvering aircraft 3-4 km out WHILE driving…
What, you don’t like SIDAMs driving under the ground and hitting every single shot on your very fast, maneuvering plane?
Moreover, I barely see people hunting convoys even at top tier, even though they have advanced weapon. The reason is it is no so easy to do + enemy team will not allow you to do this.
That is why I propose PvE concept, where hunting convoy and making decisions on target priority is a huge part of gameplay.
I already submitted the proposal, and as far as I remember, it was accepted.
The idea is as follows: the accuracy of AAA depends on the amount of time a player spends within, say, a 1000m radius of the AAA. If the AAA has enough time to aim, the longer the player stays in the danger zone, the higher the chance they will be hit by the AAA.
This can be implemented quite easily in the CDK, even with its current capabilities. No new algorithms are required.
Yep, luckily I was in the Su-24 and can hit them from ≈9km out
AI spaas seem to have more survivability than playable ones. They are extremely hard to kill with guns
Everything is hard to kill with guns in sim because it’s hard to keep the plane at a low enough speed, and stable enough, even with CCIP.
Luckily the Su-24 gets the SPPU-6 pod, and the Su-25, Su-22, and both MiG-27’s should get the amiable ability of the SPPU-22. SPPU-6 is still not super good at keeping on target though.
Tried to play Su-25SM3 to kill “arrows”. Had to change around 10 sessions, because not all sessions had this activity. Also, even the session had this activity, outnumbered enemy team did not allow to kill ground units.
Even when it was possible to strike ground units, Kh-38MT usually missed the target. I remember I had to launch 12 (!!!) Kh-38MT to kill one single target.
Only planes with GPS weapon can be effective for this activity.
Did not see anyone who tried to kill convoys. Only bases, airfields and “arrows”.
Wait hold on… You are telling me Gajin using Game Dev tech from like early 2000?! Like no navmeshing or active pathfinding for AI? Just manually placed travel paths?
If that is true no wonder game is in such a state :X
I got you one better.
Apparently the A.I attackers/bombers/survey planes are programmed to travel a set amount of grid squares in a unit time if there’s nobody close enough.
What happens as a consequence?
Cl-13/B-57 on Tunisia/Sicily/Moresby: Fly at a relatively reasonable speed (still absurd for 7.0-8.0 WW2 jets imo), able to be intercepted even by non-afterburning korean jets.
Cl-13/B-57 on Rocky Canyon/Vietnam/Sinai: You need to be an afterburning plane to have any hope of catching them, and even then you’ve crossed over to the enemy airfields by the time you get a chance to shoot at them.
Were you shooting at a convoy or stationary ground units in a battle?
I remember chasing a recon CL-13 in my T-2 one time. Once it left the circle pattern and straightened out it quickly outpaced my afterburning, supersonic plane.
Stationary unit at battle areas (“arrows”). Altitude - 500-600m (because of clouds and enemy team), distance - 14-16km.
Missile landed behind the target, causing only “hit”.
Wow, that’s really weird. I haven’t fired from that far away (don’t have anything that can do it) but I haven’t ever seen that happen.
It happens quite often. Not every missile kills a target. Sometime even 9-11km range launches also do not do a good job.
Sometimes it is 3-4 missiles, recently it was 12, a month ago highest number was 8.
I guess it is a part of gaijin strategy to reduce reward for PvE activity, since this game should be only about PvP. Kind of got used to this grind.