Cool beans.
Warthunder isnt that game.
Either dont let tha spawncamping happen by excercising map control, or take the L and move on.
Cool beans.
Warthunder isnt that game.
Either dont let tha spawncamping happen by excercising map control, or take the L and move on.
war thunder isn’t that kind of game? you mean not toxic and actually has decent people playing it?
Other than being able to make your own tanks using the turret, hull and gun of other vehicles cursed tank is the exact same game.
Even some of the maps are the same
If you get pushed and boxed in spawn towards end of the game, thats not toxic behaviour, thats skill issue.
so realistically you’re saying I should be better than at least 3 people and it has nothing to do with my team being bad?
Its a team based game. If single player carries his team, that should happen because of his skill, not because the game was handicaping the enemy and compensating for bad team mates.
It’s not bad sportsmanship to be winning. It’s sad to even see people throw that out as if it’s somehow unfair that you’ve lost.
There needs to be more spawn points further back so people who are being spawncamped can spawn back further so they aren’t at the front, without cover until they are literally spawning out of the map.
I never once said that, what I did say however is spawn camping needs to have a hard stop and shouldn’t even happen
My brother in christ you have the tools to stop spawncamping.
Just dont let the enemy team push you so far you end up boxed in a spawn.
It’s not bad sportsmanship… You’re losing.
so if someone decides to instantly rush into the enemy spawn that’s not bad sportsmanship? That’s what it would be for, these people are just arguing the fact that near end of match spawn camping is just fine and should be allowed.
but I’m trying to make the obvious point that NO spawn camping shouldn’t even be possible
It’s called Tactics… And you fail by not watching your flanks…
and my flank is my spawn point? cool dude
Your flank is the sideskirts that these rushers are using to get past your push and heading to your spawn…
Your spawn is the point to stop because if they stop you replenishing your forces, then they have less to counter…
Hence it being tactics.
I swear this is the only game that spawn camping isn’t just allowed apparently it’s encouraged, actually despicable people
I know it’s not what you want to hear, but that’s the nitty gritty of it… You’re losing and you’re ending up camped. You need to recognize the flanker before they get established, then once they are established you need to deal with them, and if you can’t deal with them, then the only thing that happens after that is a loss.
You have other spawns as there’s often 2, and the fact that spawn protection is even there is another.
You’re losing, you need to do something about it… Either call the team and tell them, or fight your way out. You’ve got the choice.
that doesn’t change the fact that spawn camping shouldn’t even be possible
You should not be allowed to spawn camp, that’s it, how do you not understand how dumb this argument is
Maybe you should just not be losing then…
Losing has nothing to do with it