agreed, its upp to them wether its the mlu 2 or not
Ingame it does not, the radar says HMS but thats not usuable, also the pilot where you should check does not have it
mlu 2 gets more advanced amraams but yeah
we arent getting that so mentioning it is kinda pointless
do you have sources for the older HMS system, that would be amazing if true
ik, the mlu 1 was 9x’s while the mlu 2 was the C-7 amraam, and i do know neither will arive yet
mlu 2 is too advanced but we can always pray for a mlu 1 and with future updates, it will have access to asraam, new amraam, a2g etc.
finland didnt use ASRAAM, just AIM-9X which became avalible on the MLU 1
not that it matters, planes usually dont get their full A2A ordinance
MLU 2 isnt that advanced it would be very similar to the current US F/A-18C (late) but with 4 BOL CM pods
bruh i wanted a2g at least and now we are not even getting a hmd? thats annoying
i wouldnt put it past them to change their mind and make it the MLU 1 go give it HMS
but yeah i dont think it likely that we will be getting the MLU 2 (A2G) this update
thanks for the correction
But I think Gaijin will want 2/3 planes from the Finns as with the Swedes who have 2 Gripen (maybe 3 with the E) for a potential new br in my opinion
Could be yeah, maybe the f18c pre mlu1 could get hms
Not 100% sure but early f18cs had a monocle hms so I just need to find if the Finns had that too then pre mlu 1 would be fine
one can only hope or complain about it on a forum
I think Gaijin will add an HMS because I’m thinking in particular of the Rafale C F3 which is not supposed to have one while in the game it does. In 14.0 it’s essential so why not there?
The rafale shouldn’t have hms ?
Feel like the best solution would be to add the aircraft as the a2g capable version and split it into two seperate aircraft later once more a2a munitions get added.
in the latest information I have, the hms was implemented on the “Standard F4” with the Scorpion it seems to me.
That’s would be a bit weird to me, adding both mlu1 and mlu2 this update and later giving the mlu2 better weapons makes more sense
Its official math is hard.
The F-18 has 60 CMs
if you look at the pods, you see twice as much XD
Yeah that would make more sense but more than 800k rp to get the mlu2 would be painful