Finnish F-18C

wouldn’t go that far, Su-30 in its current state will be the only meta since it seems to outperform even the Eurofighters. It will probably be more of a sidegrade like the Gripen C is, not a top dog but also not a plane that suffers

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All Russian planes are meta

This is not a totally new thing, works like full controls that we already have but with the normal mouse aim assist.

I think only the flankers and the F-18s have them right now, everything else still needs to use full controls.

I know, its just WAY more accessible now and at the push of one button goes on-off instead of having to cycle through control modes and when getting to full real being locked in that view. now you can have the normal mouse view and free-look while steering full real with keys/mouse. i don’t know if you’ve tried it on the dev server yet but it’s nuts.

For now yes, it’s coming to a lot more aircraft if what they said during the stream is correct.

it has but it is not working yet

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Kind of a soft-nerf to Eurocanards since Smin said they won’t be recieving said button, however it does introduce an interesting skill dynamic in dogfights lol

ooh, i didn’t even notice the name above the radar, thanks man

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Yes, but the feature itself isnt “nuts”. Whats nuts is the F-18 ufo almost stall speed nose authority without having TVC

The su-30sm at least can’t sustain altitude while doing TVC shenanigans even with a clean configuration because is soooo heavy, might be the heaviest flanker right now or similar to the su-33. Still it will probably be OP since it can just point its nose and spam r77 and r73 on command, but you need altitude to play with.

Having the one MLU 2 will make it unique upgrade for the Finnish while strengthening the lacking Swedish air to ground capabilities. I don’t believe that having multiple C variants will be a good idea and will be very frowned upon.

Is this the Finnish f18?

Yeah, it’s still DEV and we all know how UFO previous planes have been before release x)

just checked, the finnish f18 does have HMD
thank god

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i just checked myself, and it dosent, if you checked on the radar then check the Pilot instead

so outside that can enyone tell me what Vertion of the F-18C are we getting?

I saw the sugestion was for the MLU 2, tho i would underrstand if we were to be getting the MLU 1, however of what i have seen the Finish F-18C is neither of those

I think it’s the earliest so pre MLU 1

without the HMD it would indeed be that, where they got the specs for it idk tho, the sugestion was for the F/A-18C MLU 2 so

It’s very possible we see a separate F-18 MLU II later down the line (maybe this year)

that fine but come on, atleast make it the MLU , the ony diffrences is 9X suport and HMD (i know we whont get 9X’s but that aint the point)

Also the engine ouput is wrong, atleast on the stat card, the engine is the same as the Late C but it thrust wise it says its the same the A and C erly

Finnland and Switzerland got their F-18C/D from a similar batch. Both nations did not get it with A/G capabilities.

I agree HMD was there from the beginning. Only on right eye.

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) came later for Switzerland with “Upgrade 21 (2004)” when we added the AIM-9X that replaced the AIM-9P-5 on the Hornet. The new APG-73 radar, AN/ALE-47 decoy launchers were added, new EloKA

We never added A/G capabilities but upgraded in Upgrade 25 to Super Hornet Avionics

it’s the Finnish f18, look at the left wing, we can see the roundel, I think and I especially hope that the F18 is not finished and that we will have AT LEAST an HMD

The Finnish F-18s come in 3 versions,

F-18C MLU 1
F/A-18C MLU 2

The F-18C MLU 1 got acces to HMS and more advanced A2A weapons
The F/A-18C MLU 2 got acces to A2G weapons and the BOL pods you talked about