Still not home yet but do we by any chance have a close estimate to the weight reduction of the Finnish F18? It should be missing the arrestor hook and the A2G avionics so around 480kg iirc. In game it doesn’t seem like gaijin has reduced the weight so it may need to be bug reported. I dont have my PC with me to check so any help would be appreciated
The Finnish F-18 is already lighter ingame.
The F/A-18 C (Late) in comparison.
Appreciate it, im currently on vacation here in Finland and won’t be back to Denmark for another day so i haven’t been able to look at in game stuff. So again much thanks for the info.
What are you trying to say or prove ?
I am almost there on PROD server. Mig21 is coming as last grind now …
The version coming to the game is the version without the MLU changes:
yeah so clearly, the f18 will be one of the worst 14.0, definitively
If they don’t move it down to 13.7 then yes it will be by far the worst
really and given the state of the dev serv, I think it will unfortunately stay like that.
So do both the US and Finnish F-18 late not have HMD?
US one has hmd
Well figures the Fins would get the middle finger as per usual.
But it says radar HMD was removed, and since Finnish one never had HMD to begin with it has to be the US one that got it removed
It had on DEV but it didn’t function.
It would say F/A-18 if it was the US. Gaijin has been pretty strict woth their naming conventions
Didnt notice that. Probably because I say F-18 sometimes when talking about F/A-18 and it just stuck
So i guess i was correct. I figured gaijin would push for the Finnish model to be the worst 14.0 and keep it there because they have no intention of adding a suitable 14.0 lmao. And Finland just keeps losing
the f18 doesn’t have a hmd because “it’s a pre-mlu so it won’t have one”, which makes it a lame excuse to tell a minor nation to go f itself.
HOWEVER, the usa f/a18c late will have a hmd because “it’s a major nation and they need more and more better planes”
For a hmd in 14.0 we can’t ask because sweden is a minor nation and even a br 13.7 either because they don’t care.
Gijin basically.
Before I had hope, now I sincerely think that it is dead and that we will have to wait for mlu1 and do 420k of additional research.
They can’t even name the jet right to boot
Guess i need to ask Smin why they get to be the same BR while being worse.
@Smin1080p_WT why keep the F-18 as a pre MLU if you’re gonna make it sit at the same BR as the US model.while being worse. I could be fine if they were both balanced in air but its actually just looking like specific targeting to keep them like this.why not pull a Gripen and just give the F-18C the MLU 1 HMD to balance them or move the F-18C down in BR. I really want to know why the devs think its fine to let them stay at the same BR while one is worse in nearly everyway to the other.