No worries about the joke, it’s not bad and the hatred of Americans is already funny and ridiculous enough for yours not to annoy me x)
On the other hand, I didn’t think about the Norwegian machines, they would be not bad I imagine but I have no idea of their capacities
Penguins on the Norwegian F16’s both us (Danske) and the Norwegians have similar vehicles kinda like Benelux. Would be nice to have that for the 5th airline though. Would be nice to have more variety for top tier air and have some actual CAS. F 35 (Danske Bomber Draken would also help the TT a great deal.)
it would be an alternative but I understood, thanks to a certain account under the Instagram posts of WT who has been asking for the Norwegian tt for far too long, that they have what it takes to have their own nation in game but the Danes could always come and reinforce the Swedes in my opinion.
Idk, Norway imo would be a cool mation but unfortunately even i know it would have problems and it would be best as a subtree with us for now under sweden. Not my first choice since id be down for a Danish Subtree but i know it would also have problems besides we all have close ties with each other moreover than any other nation so it makes more sense. Only people asking for us (Danske) are the Swedish and the Deutsch (never…the Deutsch) sweden is realistically the best place. And i figure eventually gaijin will expand the subtrees far further than currently
Are you Finnish?
A “northern alliance” SubT would be cool indeed but hey, I think we’re going to have to resume the discussion on the f18 because it’s getting a bit off topic (and I have my eyes that want peace (3am in France)) no offense. x)
Agreed lol, its almost 4 am here in Köyliö lol
Name didn’t give it away?
no, i dont speak any north europe language so went straight over my head
Gaijin? i have an problem with these F-18…
In activity : F/A-18C not F-18
Full OTAN load of bombs and CAS capabilities
See this document of the finnish air force (Opensource)
Thats from 2018, way past MLU upgrades
“The most important addition brought about by MLU 2, incorporated in 2012–16, was
an air-to-ground mission capability and the associated purchase of short-, medium-,
and long-range bombs and standoff missiles. MLU 2 also fielded an improved
version of the original radar-guided advanced medium-range air-to-air missile
(AMRAAM); in addition, communication and navigation systems were updated and
the aircraft was fitted with the Link 16 tactical information distribution system datalink
for combined operations. Link 16 enables cooperation between various air defense
platforms and command echelons and distribution of information to support network-
centric operations.”
this document are made in 2018 but talk about ameliorations on the MLU Updates and the versions of the F-18 on the finnish air force. this is just for the corrections of the type of the plane and the loadout capabilities.
Even when a decent amount of Swedish TT people advocate for something it most of the time will not go in their favor…
Listing some MLU upgrades/additions.
MLU1 2004-2010:
JHMCS (hms)
Mode S -IFF
Have Quick UHF/VHF radios
TAMMAC (Tactical Aircraft Moving Map Capability).
MLU2 2012-2016:
NATO-compatible MIDS Link 16
LCD screens in cockpit
Software updates required for air to ground.
Air to Ground capability including Litening AT, JDAM ( GBU-31(V)1/(V)3 (2000lb), GBU-32 (1000lb) and GBU-38A (500lb)), JSOW glide bomb and JASSM cruise missile.
A shame the f-18 dun carry gbu-53’s. They have it in inventory for their JSF
Still not home yet but do we by any chance have a close estimate to the weight reduction of the Finnish F18? It should be missing the arrestor hook and the A2G avionics so around 480kg iirc. In game it doesn’t seem like gaijin has reduced the weight so it may need to be bug reported. I dont have my PC with me to check so any help would be appreciated
The Finnish F-18 is already lighter ingame.
The F/A-18 C (Late) in comparison.
Appreciate it, im currently on vacation here in Finland and won’t be back to Denmark for another day so i haven’t been able to look at in game stuff. So again much thanks for the info.
What are you trying to say or prove ?
I am almost there on PROD server. Mig21 is coming as last grind now …