Final Separate Battle Ratings by Gamemode Changes & What We’re Planning for Attack Aircraft with All-Aspect Missiles in Air Battles

They likely have a high efficiency because the limited players that play them in air RB are skilled players.


I just don’t understand how that could be possible though. What makes the 11.3 Tornados so different from the 11.0 Tornados that they could have so much higher efficiency at a HIGHER BR? There is something not right here.


Good to see gaijin putting at least 2 minutes of thought into a decision. About time something was done to balance these aircraft.

Should i bring my 10.3 tanks at 10.7 for the AMX or Just don’t use It at all because at 11.3 you can Just use the tornado?
Gaijin surely love to hate italy

I sure love taking A-10A to 11.0 because there’s no tanks at 10.7, only to face Pantsirs and get instakilled by them.


These types of metrics are also already taken into consideration for all vehicles.


Why is it called Battle rating if all you take into consideration is economy efficiency and not combat efficiency


Hello Smin, quick question.

Is the planned forward spawn for the SU25’s, A10’s and A-6E going to be an airspawn?
And if so does that mean that all other attackers/strike aircraft will receive them or are they going to be unique to the planes I listed?

Please bring F-5E back to 10.7, no one will use is over the F-4E and you will ruin the Chinese 10.7 line-up. Thank you please put it back to 10.7.

Hi! :)

I never got an answer in the previous post so i’m trying here again:

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We will have more details closer to the implementation of this feature as it will be after the major update. Right now it’s for the A-10s, Su-25, Su-25K and A-6E due to their particular circumstances and the feedback we received on them. This is a two fold change with an increase in BR for them but also a forward spawn.


That is an answer I wanted.
Thank you for the information, Smin. I appreciate the response.

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As someone who was advocating for an attacker air spawn for the A-10 I can at least get behind this decision. One of the biggest challenges in an Air RB match is the fact that you get to the battle late with little enemy players to engage in if your team is good or an overwhelming enemy force if your team is bad. Not to point out the occasional enemy player which climbs quickly to 20K ft to flank over and hit you when you’re going to battle.

Maybe it’s me in my experience but I feel like the AIM-9s on the A-10 just under peform and you only get 2. I still think you need to take a long hard look at mechanical specs of aircraft first when determining BR.

Then the title of this post is wrong. It should be “Last Pre-Update” BR changes posting or some such to denote that the matter is still being looked into after the patch goes live.

Thanks for the reply and for clarifying this, its appreciated.

Great change, very late, but better late than never. I still dont really get why you gave them powerful a-a missiles in the first place, because all you have done is backed yourself into a corner with an impossible to balance plane, and the real solution to the issue with them is to swap their all aspect missiles with non-all aspect ones. If you did that then you could lower their BR in ARB to make them more efficient. All you need to do now is move the F-104A/C up to 9.7/10.0 and you will have relieved so much pressure on a lot of vehicles and made the 8.3-9.3 br range playable again. Then you can revert the ridiculus change you made to the Mig-15s and early Sabres.

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Tbh this br change it just pointless, increase ground br first

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These are the final changes planed for this round and as part of the implementation of seperate BRs. So this is indeed the final part of the current changes based on all feedback so far. Anything further as we said will come in sperate updates and reviews.

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Where is AS-30L?


In same place where Skipper is. In dreams.

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The real AS-30Ls were the friends we made along the way