Final Separate Battle Ratings by Gamemode Changes & What We’re Planning for Attack Aircraft with All-Aspect Missiles in Air Battles

As someone who was advocating for an attacker air spawn for the A-10 I can at least get behind this decision. One of the biggest challenges in an Air RB match is the fact that you get to the battle late with little enemy players to engage in if your team is good or an overwhelming enemy force if your team is bad. Not to point out the occasional enemy player which climbs quickly to 20K ft to flank over and hit you when you’re going to battle.

Maybe it’s me in my experience but I feel like the AIM-9s on the A-10 just under peform and you only get 2. I still think you need to take a long hard look at mechanical specs of aircraft first when determining BR.

Then the title of this post is wrong. It should be “Last Pre-Update” BR changes posting or some such to denote that the matter is still being looked into after the patch goes live.

Thanks for the reply and for clarifying this, its appreciated.

Great change, very late, but better late than never. I still dont really get why you gave them powerful a-a missiles in the first place, because all you have done is backed yourself into a corner with an impossible to balance plane, and the real solution to the issue with them is to swap their all aspect missiles with non-all aspect ones. If you did that then you could lower their BR in ARB to make them more efficient. All you need to do now is move the F-104A/C up to 9.7/10.0 and you will have relieved so much pressure on a lot of vehicles and made the 8.3-9.3 br range playable again. Then you can revert the ridiculus change you made to the Mig-15s and early Sabres.

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Tbh this br change it just pointless, increase ground br first

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These are the final changes planed for this round and as part of the implementation of seperate BRs. So this is indeed the final part of the current changes based on all feedback so far. Anything further as we said will come in sperate updates and reviews.

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Where is AS-30L?


In same place where Skipper is. In dreams.

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The real AS-30Ls were the friends we made along the way


someosnes gonna reduce teh cas kill record from like 55 seconds to 30-40 from match start

@Smin1080p F-16ADF (Air Defense Fighter, cannot carry ordnance) should not be the same BR as the F-16A with Mavericks and Guided Bombs.


It doesn’t have them yet, it will recieve them when the seperate BRs come, probabally in the next patch
Edit i didnt realise the BRs literall just came right now, but still probabally wait for next patch

What will be the BR in squadron battles?

Thank you for listening.

This sounds like a lovely QoL improvement for these aircraft. Especially considering how long it currently takes something like the A-10 to get to the centre of the map in most matches, this is really nice.

I can, however, see this causing an issue with AI ticket-bleed. Please either disable AI-ticketbleed, or adjust how many tickets are removed per AI death.


I played it with KF-41 before and it can still be useful, unless you get an uptier, where it gets deleted from the sky by top tier SAMs. I won’t say that uptiers are that often at 10.7, so imo if you used it effectively at 10.3 line-up, at 10.7 you will still be good with it most of time.

These will be introduced a little later in a seperate update.

They required some additional configuration.


Useless changes for japan in grb, except very small one with EJ Kai, every other jet is forgotten, thank you very much for nothing I guess

I see.

This couldnt be a WORSE idea, the A10 being moved higher up where its going to be uptiered more going against even more all aspect missiles. Its not going to matter when a mig21 can fly across the map in 2 minutes, when it still takes the A10 about 15 minutes to get to the battlefield even still moving their airfield closer to the objective. Whats to stop the SU25 using their ridiculously long range TV missiles on an a10 or F14s using their sparrows. Not to mention you completely ignore the A10s capabilities, you give the su25 a zoom capability on their TV missiles, but the A10A not when it most certainly does have that ability? What happens when the A10C is added? You are just going to nerf it into the ground, or keep certain aspects un added while the russian tech tree gets all the bells and whistles. But hey lets also not forget there are some american jets that also dont have counter measures that are still going against jets with all aspect missiles and counter measures.

I swear the tone deafness is inching towards brain dead activity.


AIM-9Ls have no place in 9.0-9.7 games. Deal with it.


Which TV missiles on Su-25?