Fed up with bad map rotation


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You are raight on point with the word “rotation”. It is NOT actually random as you might think. Devs did confirm that for some reason they can’t make it random. So rn maps are pre-determined by time gap.

I get “38th parallel north” twice a week and I got it on like but Serversk, Hürtgen Forest on dislike innumerable times. So yes, the map rotation works, Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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I am starting to suspect that the like/dislike function does nothing. Currently i have sweden and sun city (sun city because of of the recent update worsening) on dislike and still see them more often then Red Desert and Pradesh (which i have thumbs up).

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Makes me wish it was public data. Trying to do some battlepass tasks while the map rotation insists on highly incompatible maps is not fun.


Unfortunately devs don’t want us to know any specific data. Prolly cuz we could use it as actually valid argument or counterargument to any BR change and much much more.

I also have this suspicion, it seems to be a kind of feedback for the statistics.

Wanna play holland, nope! You get Maginot Line!

Wanna play Aral Sea, nope! You get Maginot Line!

Wanna play fields of Poland, nope! You get Maginot line!

(It’s either Maginot line or Normandy)


How long will this map rotation issue last for? Are Gaijin looking into it or just proud of it?

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I swear to god this game is trolling me. I had usual map rotation, and consistently got around 6-7 kills each match, not counting air targets. So, my dumbass activated a 10 units wager and guess what, all the maps that i disliked with the map selection menu thing ran trains on me. that’s right, literally all of the urban brawl maps and most were uptiers too. can’t even use the SPAA properly cause its too urban.

Anyways thats my cope post for the day


I’m still waiting on an option to play only full size maps, I’m sooo sick of being in tiny maps at top tier. Heck you get larger maps playing reserve tanks


Even if this is in the Arcade forum, it is the exact same in RB too. Seversk, Finland, and Ardennes seem to be the most common maps for me in the past week or so.


Trash-13 and Ardennes reach spam levels because have insane numbers of variants, 10 and 12 respectively.
The recent stupid limitation using BRs and the removal of several maps just does it much much worse.
Is stupid back in 2016 with the half of the maps the rotation was much better than now.


i have ground zero in my liked maps and have also never gotten it. I wonder why because I’ve played it in custom battles, and it’s a cool map.

This is a great idea in practice, but Gaijin fumbled the execution. Most maps should be playable up to 8.3, and all the huge variants should be available at 9.0+. Certain low BR maps work fine in late WWII BRs, but you can’t get them there.

Thread closure coming in 3…


Could you please translate it for me?

Here comes Stona to kill conversation …silence is Golden to that man : )
Why have discussion when you can have a dead forum?


Thats the main problem with every mechanic and suggestion in this game. Very good ideas but implemented with the ass.

Thats why i created this:

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I don’t know why they just don’t get every map they ever made and put them on rotation. I mean how many would there be ? A hundred or not far off? so many maps and so many variations of them it must add up.Bring back the old maps.
The average player wouldn’t see the same map twice in a day and possibly in many cases map knowledge between older players and newbies might eventually decrease a little if that is what concerns Gaijin.
also those who hate a map would only have to tolerate it once a day if they were playing all day or maybe not see it at all.

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