Remove BR limitation for Kuban, Berlin, Volokolamsk and Karelia

Those maps are limited to 6.7 and 7.7 but they are still good options for higher BRs probably up to 9.3.
Right now much smaller and bad maps are open to all BRs so dont make any sense just limited those maps specially after the recent bad map changes and extremly poor map rotation. I prefer play those maps again than play a endless spam of Ardennes, Alaska and Severesk-13.


I believe Berlin and Karelia should return for even 11.7. While medium to large maps are fun in my 11.x tanks, I do want great tiny maps sometimes.
No opinion on the other two.

Dont have strong feelings about Berlin, but Karelia, Wolokolamsk and Kuban are great maps, and i would love to see them at a broader BR range.


I’d rather never see Volokolamsk map ever again

It would be nice if old maps had ‘modern’ variants. Like the Flanders, where depending on the BR changes stuff (zeppelin to cargo aircraft at A point)


I got enough of Seversk and Hürtgen Forest, sometimes I got this strong feeling I want instant J out.

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It sucks. It just straight up isn’t a good map.

Just play SQB because all ground maps are represented there.

Kuban - sure, I don’t see why not

Berlin - sure but make the east side a more viable flanking route (around the reichstag)

Volokolamsk - absolutely not, terrible map and would be unplayable at high tier

Karelia - this is a very good low tier map, but it simply wouldn’t work at high tier.

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The small version would be fine until atleast 8.3 imo, but I’m not sure how it would be at top tier.

I agree. It is too restrictive and not suited for higher BR tanks.

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no , these maps are too small for high-level vehicles

I dislike the Berlin map and am glad it is limited to lower tiers, also these maps seem a bit small for high tier vehicles. Imagine the ramming together of high tier MBT’s trying to get through chokepoints.

Not really, those maps are bigger than most of the actual urban maps.

those maps are worse

No. Maps listed above can offer CQC, flank routes and sniping positions so they are much better than the new stupid urban mazes with exposed respwn areas.

Kuban is infamous for it’s spawn camping though, it’d be awful at top tier without a few changes.