Fair Play: November 2024

I would bet no money on this - the fellow player is way more relaxed than years ago. And i actually prefer open words instead of circling around the topic.

How is getting a kill that your teammates can’t get counterproductive?

You deserve to be banned if you intentionally TK others due to childish reasons like that.

“Leeching is when teamwork” What you call kill stealing can be considered teamwork. You helped an enemy get in a state that allowed for a teammate to quickly eliminate them.


If I get prma-banned for taking out the “cream of WT crop” - so be it, this community is toxic as hell, so I wouldn’t be surprised if such event got loudly applouded by killstealer and AF camper jocks.

It’s the opposite.
Guess why I don’t killsteal?
Because there are better targets. Almost always. There’s better use for my energy. And I want to see my teammates REWARDED for the work they did.

I once got the kill for literally hitting a guy with 4 8mm MG bullets. It somehow counted as “crit”, yet it did next to nothing.
Then my teammate set him on fire and generally crippled his plane. Enemy bailed out, I got the kill.
What did I feel? Shame, that the guy who did most of the work and good shooting ended up with a useless assist.

You can call killstealer elimination “childish”, but you don;'t seem to be the prime example of “high standards”, so I honestly should not even take this seriously.

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I do not think that you get the point of the fellow player.

Everybody is entitled to play wt like he wants to play. And as soon as you play on a competitive level (wt is first and foremost nothing more than a vehicle based shooter) the points he made are comprehensible - even if you don’t share his pov.

For example - i share this pov:

and even killed some guys which tried to team kill me. If i would get a temp ban for doing this - so be it. I simply see my universal right for self-defense as higher value.

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I think that is fair, I’ve done it before too.

I just don’t think any other teamkills can be justified.

Working against your team should be punishable. It’s a team game.
Not everything can be simply written in rules, yet there are cases that can be clearly identified.
Typical situation: I set Wyvern on fire. He continues flying because he’s a fast boi. And continues burning, and it’s obvious he won’t make it.
Fw 190 D9 dives towards him, goes full commit head on and dies. But gets the kill.
Now, we have lost Fw 190 D9, and we now have enemy plane (Spitfire? above us, that initialy was lower and slower than D9. If D9 did not suicide, it would be 2 v 1 and I would have won that.
But with D9 ded, Spitfire dives upon me and I die.
Result? Match is lost.
Everyone who made the effort to make this game 2 v2 (Wyvern and Spit vs D9 and my plane) got royally shafted.
This is a simple scenario, that tends to happen fairly often. Or D9 dives for the burning plane, gets the kill or not, survives now we’re both below more maneuvrable enemy while I’m also fairly slow.
In other words - I am getting killed on top of losing my kill, all because of a simple choice my teammate made - not work for his own kill, not engage the enemy posing a threat, but going after an easy target that is bot yet severly damaged.
And it’s a self-rewarding bad behaviour. Steal a kill, get a reward, what will you do? Steal again. Getting shot makes some people think about rheir actions. Sometimes.


Fine for me too, but it depends on your approach to the game and your own perspective.

If you are interested in motivations why players with a way more competitive approach see team killing of kill stealers as justified - i recommend this post from team kill thread:

So from their pov it makes sense…

Have a good one!


TK is TK, you shouldn’t TK somebody else, no matter the situation.

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No, all modes but Sim Battles.

Gaijin did this before. Quite literally, Gaijin turned off chat because Russia invaded another country.

For the love of god yes. Players 1-16, Enemy 1-16 would be perfect. I am so tired of the character spaghetti in the kill feed. And quiet often, the foreign character names, not to call any one group out, have some of the most obscene translations.

Literally can’t see anything wrong with this. Like none. And make it so we can toggle off bushes since they’re purely cosmetic and not a P2W mechanic.

These all sound like wonderful additions really.

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That’s a bit like “killing is killing, doesn’t matter if that guy is coming at you with an axe while you’re walking your dog”. This is a simple policy, but I know exactly WHERE it comes from.

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I will kill someone who sabotaging me or my own team because they are a threat, and should be eliminated. I’m not going to let myself be killed by someone who just wants to troll.


You can turn that off. Also, you can already change every player’s name to randomly generated ones, it’s an option available in-game:


You do you i guess, I’m just pointing out that it will be punished.

They really aren’t. Removing chat is stupid and doesn’t benefit the game, and it reduces teamplay. Maybe the nickname one could be an option, but forcing it could lead to issues if ou want to report a player.

Mark them as fictional decoration so they can be hidden easily. Removing all customization is boring and lame.

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I have 2700 hours in the game and I can count all the times chat has been used to communicate and strategize on two hands. People use it to say the most stupid of things, of which most of the time are racist and sexist. The only time I’ve seen chat be used properly is in air sim when someone mentions they don’t know how to do X and there’s always someone, usually on the other team, willing to explain what’s going wrong for them. Thats it.

Applied cosmetics should be seen by you. For everyone else, they should be disabled by default and hidden.

That’s the bonkers bit. If intent doesn’t matter then Taking should just be removed. “We don’t care if you’re being harassed in a game. Standing up to it and defending yourself will see you punished. Just back out of the match, take the crew lock penalty for abandoning a match early.”

The simplest solution that even fits everyone is to just removed it as a possibility from all matches but sim battles.

Sad to read that, but either you play the wrong modes or you end matches too quick (or you live not long enough) to benefit from the team chat.

I have way more hours than you (and 19k matches, all Air RB) and i would say all in all 5% of my matches the team chat was actually useful (usually very late game like 2 vs 2) and helped to win.

But i agree that in the last years the team chat became less important (maybe language barrier) as the eternal grind lures players into following rather stupid actions / patterns and the 16 vs 16 mess usually creates these 8vs2 or 2vs8 steam rolls after the first few minutes, so i would say that currently just 2-3% of my matches benefit from the team chat regarding the outcome.

Youre seeing people say it is a couple accidental. The system doesnt ban a couple of accidental. You have to rack up a number of TK’s to get a temp ban. I have had a couple this week where things just went wrong and crap happened. No ban…

Just because they say they were “isolated”, doesnt mean anything. If they were banned, it was a lot of “isolated” incidents.

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