Fair Play: November 2024

Sry but u mind zo argue against what i have posted and not against general tks? I gave some very good contect to situations where tks are no so bad or even good for your team… so pls refer to that and not chamge context… i really wamma know… cause just bloating out smt that dosnt refer to the original post is not really meaningfull.

What of thst goes together with my original post?
What question are u anwering? What topic u want to discuss?
You just bloat out and repeat what the legislature has decidet.
And i see some issues with it. So do u want to take part of a discussion or not?

How do the game masters work? Do you guys only review reports? Or do you play the game and work as a policeman to catch faulty players?

Schindibee has said many times the game master team only deals with chat offenses and player names. A separate department does all the Fair Play stuff.

On the diagram he posted here (link), the Game Master team handles the complaints on the right side, and the Server Replay/Fair Play team handles the complaints on the left. As he said in a connected post:


That shows, stay with me now, that ‘Context’ of a teamkill doesnt matter… It is right there for you to read, a teamkill is a teamkill… period.

Had you actually read the rules (the ones, that yet again, you demanded be communicated) which are… stay with me again… communicated right where I posted them for you, even specificially copied the one about teamkills… you would know that absolutely NONE of what you discuss is within the rules.

Killing an ally to ‘Prevent’ the enemy from the points: Not only trolling and poor manner, but AGAINST THE RULES!

Killing a squadmate: AGAINST THE RULES!

Clear Communication and strict set of rules published: Already showed them to you, but you refuse to abide by them and demand them be published (already are) by gaijin (they already did).

I am not sure how unclear it is, unless english is about your 15th language to read and understand the following:

These War Thunder specific rules expressly prohibit --------->causing damage to teammates<------ or so-called “friendly fire” in a Game, including, without limitation, the following actions: inflicting damage to teammates’ vehicles or any of their parts, destroying teammates’ vehicles or any of its parts, disorienting teammates. Please note that damaging teammates is forbidden even if the damaging functionality is technically allowed in a Game.

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Again you are at -2/10 on reading comprehension… read the rules. Instead of coming onto the forums to PMS that they havent provided the information you want… which they have, and they provided them over a decade ago. Go for it, because if you do troll, those get manually reviewed… perhaps Gaijin would be able to rid us of players such as yourself permanenently


God…the safe space gaming


Friendly fire is something that happens in real life, but people are getting temporary bans for accidental TK.

Any type of TK is being treated as intentional, which in this case is the problem since TK is hard to avoid in Sim modes and Toptier ARB. (Missiles are unpredictable and fox1 has a tendency to go after the ally even if the radar never lost the main target)

edit: I even gave up playing Sim using fox 1 and fox3 missiles since many times the IFF doesn’t even work

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What is that supposed to mean?

True, but 32 jet planes in a 4km radial furball isn’t a reflection of real life. If it were, it would be a madhouse of friendly fire. Gaijin wants friendly fire “realism” in a completely artificial environment. This is the inherent paradox and why this exhausting discussion will NEVER END - these teamkill threads will ALWAYS be active - because…Gaijin.


Good to see Captain_Cobvious, who has rammed/teamkilled hundreds or mayb thousands of players and has a youtube account where he showed tiny fraction of his exploits was not banned. GJ guys, it’s important to remember fair play is about ramming friendlies with floats and shooting those who dodge.
This is the pinnacle of fair play:


Amazingly galling in the second vid, at 1:30, where Guy #1 says, in reference to his mass-team killing, “I’m not at all concerned,” and Guy #2 quickly replies, “There’s no reason to be concerned.”


I’m amazed at his buttery smooth respectable attitude. Imagine how many players he bestowed upon with his fair play to get so effective with it.

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While I think this is a good thing it could lead to a lot of trouble, particularly in air sim. And by reading some of very rude responses here it seems you Gaijin dont care at all.

In a game where you can have F5, F104, MiG 21/23/29, F16, F15 and others facing each other enforcing this zero tolerancy policy is, in a very polite way to say it, unwise. Oh, and guess what? In the next update you will have the chinese mirage to worry about if its an enemy or not.

If we look specially at the F5, where the japanese, american and chinese version can have very similar camos, flying one and expecting to eyeball if the other F5 flying circles with you is friendly or not is absurd.

The F16 is even worse since all base camos are the same, except tiny decals that if you are close enough to see it you already crashed into the other plane.

TK’s were always getting temporary bans, that’s nothing new.

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Taking I-153 to top tier should result in lifetime instant ban. Trolling your teams is the problem, not people rightfully teamkilling the offender. Same applies to killstealers.

Going to have fun watching your rants when you end up with a perma ban for doing so

It isn’t against the rules, and it isn’t a negative thing to do. It sucks for the person who lost out on the chance to get a kill, but you also can’t claim kills before you get one.


As i saw you took actions vs a guy team killed a nuke carrier some time ago - it would be great if you could consider this case as worth your time too.

Technically seen those guys produce way more harm than guys team killing a nuke carrier as they encourage brand new players to stop playing wt at a very low level. Those victims won’t invest money if they get clapped this way…


Apparently ramming is not against the rules either and it’s not negative either.
Killstealing is one of the things that are clearly counterproductive, HURT the team effort, oftentimes ruin the match for the entire team, as dangerous enemy is not engaged and can attack at will.
It also promotes 0 skill gameplay.
So of course it’s not negative in your eyes XDDD
Wonder how much one has to hate normal players to not see the problem with these leeches.
I only care about teamkillers who teamkill innocent people.
Threaten me with a ram - get shot.
Steal my kills - get shot.
Ignore the dangerous enemy and go for the target I’m in the process of destroying and die in a full commit head-on - if you by some miracle get resurrected, I’ll shoot you again.
But killstealers are gaijin target demographic, so of course killstealing is OK and retaliation for rat-like behaviour is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

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