Fair Play: May 2024

Creating multiple accounts is a violation of the ToS, a ban would be justified.


Totally missed that.

Dude - i am fully aware of this and stated this multiple times in the past. The exchange with the fellow player was based on irl issues.

Imho you simply describe the fact that gaijin feels the need to hand hold US and USSR players with way too low BRs on average - just in order to compensate the rather low skill floor of their average pilots.

If i see a mid to late '44 Yak-3 i see a BR of 4.3 similar critical. From an irl perspective the y fought 190 F-8, A-8s (at 5.0) but in a fighter role vs 109 G-14, then G-10 and then K-4 - so the first being 5.3 and the later 2 at 5.7…

Same with US stuff like F8Fs, P-51 D-30s at 5.0 - which never saw combat. And these are just the most obvious examples.

So i see no “Fair Play” in facing either fantasy stuff like XP-50s or 1953 service aircraft like Wyverns whilst flying a 1942 WW 2 prop. This “combat performance” BR setting policy seems to be working just in favor of US/USSR props - look at seriously overtiered Italian or JP props.

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I would like to ask you:

What are allowed client modifications?

  1. I mean it is no secret that PC users have sometimes bad wifi and use artificial speed “enhancers”, but can you some of your IT guys exclude that there are not hidden and sinister guys with input lag cheats at work?

  2. Based on years of experience in “real” shooters, input lags are either used as an active cheat to make you slower in 1 vs 1s (as you have a less reaction time and move relative vs the cheater slower) or just a side effect of other cheats (aimbot, wall hack, etc.).

  3. I asked this because for months i observe a massive spike in “server connection lost” matches - and connection losses happens (what else) in the most inconvenient moments in Air RB - so whilst diving on an enemy or in the middle of a turn fight.

  4. Usually you are dead when you respawn in such cases (by closing wt and rejoin after “would you like to rejoin the running match”).

I just came out of a prop Air RB match in which i lost connection 4 times - and managed to respawn 4 times without crashing in the meantime.

Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

I refuse to see the issue on my end - i sit on a 100 mbit/s connection and the xbox is connected via ethernet.

A short replay would be highly appreciated!

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Glad to see you’re taking action, but it’s little less accounts banned than I thought it would be. I can assure you, in 1 out of 10 games right now, you will see sus players. Is it because China only server was removed and those players now play on other servers? I don’t know.
The increase in cheaters is clearly visible and it’s not “skill issue” people like to throw around. It can’t be people using ULQ either as ULQ now is a more of a hassle than a benefit.
People shooting through trees, smoke, when you’re hidden behind building/rock, is dead giveaway that something fishy is going on.
I am pretty aware Gaijin must know about YouTube channel W.T.C.S. (aka War Thunder Cheat Shaming).
He explains it pretty well. Don’t let this game die, because of your own negligence, please.


Well, I’m “glad”, so to speak, that I am not alone, lol… but the other nefarious part of this reality is the fact that all these forums are “trolled” by some guys always blaming the normal players, lol…

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Just so you know, there are instances where smoke doesn’t actually render on another players screen. I’ve popped smoke and even in the replay, it doesn’t show, but on my screen it did.

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Now I am confused, are custom sights from warthunderlive legal?


  1. Easier to land more accurate shots
  2. Anime girl in it can be a good emotional support, good mood mean more pro playing

I always report them just in case. AF camping absolutely infuriates me. If your team died - that is your fault for not being more aggressive. If you ran out of ammo - that is your fault for not being conservative enough. If you ran out of fuel - you accepted the tradeoff between being more manoeuvrable and having more endurace, ie. it is your fault. If you got damaged - that is your fault. Dont make it MY problem that your strategy was poor or that you flew poorly. As DEFYN said ‘Landing is a privilege, not a right.’
IMO there needs to be no airfield AAA AT ALL. I guarantee that good players will not die more, only poor players will end up suffering.

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As an Arcade player, thanks to your post I’m finally starting to understand the typical Air Realistic player way of thinking!

I’m lately playing Air Realistic, because even for a newbie it’s easier to grind the event there than in Air Arcade (due to unfair score multipliers). And the amount of weird things I saw in Air Realistic in the last week was just overwhelming to me. I just couldn’t understand it, but now I do!

For example, yesterday I saw a teammate flying with a slow jet, fully loaded with bombs, heading towards the closes base. When other teammate with a faster jet overtook him and headed for the same base, the guy with a slow jet just teamkilled him with a missile. I never understood this kind of behavior, but now I get it!

It’s not a fault of the teamkiller that his teammate had a faster jet, so he did nothing wrong there. It was the fault of the player who was teamkilled, because he used faster jet! See how simple this explanation is? I don’t know why I didn’t get this sooner.

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it’s good to see something is done.

But let’s be honest here.

When you can find names like “itsmeagain101” it just shows it not nearly enough.

They are just laughing at Gaijin and buys/creates a new account.


That I know can happen with some settings, but if you don’t give your position away shooting through smoke, etc. knowing where you are exactly and shooting you dead, is definitely “suspicious.” Even more so if it’s from far away where they can’t even hear you. ESP is all you need to just crush enemies.

Not even with settings man, pure desync can seemingly cause it.

The issue with assuming things are nefarious is after a while many just deem anything to be nefarious instead of thier mistake.

Reporting players who aren’t breaking the game’s rules simply because you dislike how they choose to play is not only absurdly petty, it’s a waste of everyone’s time, and worsens the signal-to-noise ratio with regards to finding and dealing with actual cheaters.

You’re actively harming the game and its community, with zero benefit to anyone.


They choose to grief, not play.
In most games griefing is punishable. In WT we basically have a griefers’ union, and you’re a member.

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That’s not griefing, it’s playing the game. It’s your mistake to go try head-on with them.

Just because people don’t agree with you, doesn’t make them a part of what you dislike, it’s just you can’t accept the opposing opinion, and need to make them out as bad because you actually have no counter.


These players are harming the game with the way they play. It SHOUDLN’T be a waste of time since it SHOULD be a reportable offence under the jursidiction of 'passive behaviour.’ I am not exactly sure what Gaijin considers to be ‘passive behaviour,’ but IMO it should include using aaa to deter enemies from fighting you.

A question - If an enemy was doing something that DOES fall under the umbrella of ‘passive behaviour,’ would you report him then? Is that wasting Gaijin’s time? I would hope that you would think not, since Gaijin themselves consider it to be a bad enough offence to warrant there being an option to report players for specifically that reason. Gaijin arent too worried about the ‘signal-to-noise ratio’ being marred if you are reporting someone for reasons that do fall under the umbrella of passive behaviour. But if a player is doing something just as reprehensible, if not more so, that for some reason doesnt happen to fall under their exact definitions of what ‘passive behaviour’ is, then it is harming the community to alert Gaijjn to that?


Oh and another thing - While I agree that cheating and botting are worse offences than simply airfield camping, they are far rarer. I have maybe seen 10-20 players who I could say with a good degree of conviction were definitely bots, I have seen even fewer players who I knew were cheating (I have around 30 days in air RB and around 36 days in all air modes). Meanwhile, in more than 50% of games will someone abuse their AA. Most of the time the nature of the way they do this doesnt warrant a report, but on maybe 10-20% of these occasions, IMO it does.

Play enough air RB and you’ll being to agree with me

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The passive behaviour rule has currently little use. It had bigger meaning a few years ago, before the devs removed visibility and proximity scores, reduced the score after receiving a hit, disabled the AI firing main guns in Naval, changed time-based events and some tasks/challenges.

This rule is basically about entering the battle and staying AFK.

Back in the days players could abuse mentioned mechanics to grind the RP or progress in events and tasks/challenges. The devs needed a rule to punish such players, and that’s why you see a passive behaviour rule.

For example:

  • When we had the visibility and proximity scores, and also the score after receiving a hit was higher, some players liked to spawn a heavy tank and just AFK at the spawn. Some more “creative” players moved their tank to specific positions in the corner of the map, so enemies could see them and shoot at them. Players could gain a pretty decent score this way, even if they didn’t really play the game. They just behaved passively (usually alt-tabbing and keeping the game in the background) to gain RP.

  • It was even bigger issue in Naval, when the AI could fire the main guns. Some players were just entering the battle, switching to secondary guns and alt-tabbing. AI wasn’t very accurate, but it was accurate enough to give you a few hundred points per battle. So it was like grinding the RP while being AFK.

  • Some tasks and especially early challenges didn’t have the activity % requirement, they only required specific actions, like wins or playing specific nation or finishing the battle on specific vehicle. So you could literally AFK whole battle long with 0% activity and still progress in these challenges. Nowadays the devs usually add something like the 50% activity required to such tasks and challenges to prevent AFKing.

They pretty much fixed these problems by changing the game mechanics. Some of these mechanics made some sense, like the proximity and visibility scores, but they could also be abused (e.g. to detect enemies). So I pretty much understand why they are gone, but it’s sad to see sometimes you fight an enemy plane for a minute or two, the enemy crash or your teammate kills him and you get absolutely nothing from it, because these additional score mechanics were removed from the game. There are good and bad things about these changes. But because of these changes, I basically don’t see passive behaviors in battles nowadays. Botting is a different offense and it became a problem in the last few years (ironically, it looked like some AFKers had turned into botters, when these mechanics were changed, but that’s a different story).

I agree that the devs should clarify this rule. Because with how it sounds right now, a turnfighter pilot could argue that a boom&zoomer pilot doesn’t want to turnfight him, so he is “behaving passively”. Or someone could argue that a bomber who avoid enemy fighters is “behaving passively”, because he should just dogfight a fighter, right? The passive behaviour term can be understood in many different ways and we can clearly see this in the current topic.

Using the same logic, you play motorcycles in War Thunder, right?

I play all game modes (Air, Ground, Naval), the profile picture doesn’t have to be related to anything. I got this profile picture from a submarine event last year.

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Again, how you feel other people “should” play a video game is irrelevant; this is about breaking the rules as they exist, nothing more.

Means being literally AFK, or botting, or things of that nature. As in, literally not playing the game. That’s it. It does not mean “playing the game defensively” or “avoiding fights”, that is absolutely not against the rules.

The main reason this report option exists is because an auto-kick-on-a-timer-for-being-AFK function wouldn’t work for WT, given there’s a lot of time spent potentially without input/etc (climbing in Air RB, hiding behind a hill/corner peeking in third person in Ground RB, etc).

Air RB is one of my main modes; this attempt to claim “legitimacy” through experience just sounds silly. I don’t have any more issue with a player retreating to reset an engagement at their airfield than I do with a tank reversing into cover when hit, or pulling out of that duel entirely, etc.


4 days after a ban wave and i meet a level 9 with 17 deaths and 111 kills in a T34(1940)

They are laughing at you Gaijin

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