Fair Play: July 2024

Then if you haven’t played since last month, then how have you got battles from last week…

That’s the issue here, with you claiming that it’s not you that is the person who is playing the account.

Perhaps you didn’t see the “at least not willingly” part of my reply.

It seems I was hacked. I did change my password, but I’m not sure how much that will help. See, I got no notification that someone had logged into my account. 2-Factor Authentication also wasn’t triggered.

I suspect Gaijin has allowed a token logger into the system somewhere, since others can log into my account and bypass their 2FA.

blah blah blah… Contact support, it has nothing to do with this, and the fact that you are obtuse enough to be a troll and play the fool on the regular is painfully obvious.

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You don’t even know the definition of a troll.

Thing is, you were confronted about the banning of spawncampers, which wasn’t true as they were banned for boosting and collusion type situations.

Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s actually bad… It’s just a sign you lost, or are close to it.

Your want to tell everyone that they don’t know what the definition of troll is, is just you trolling more.

The play of being obtuse in your responses so you can play gotcha, is indicative of your character trait.

Of which, I deem to be a troll because we all take the bait, and then you come back with silliness.

Now as to your account, you should really secure that and sort your own issues out because I doubt it’s anything other than your mistake that’s done it.

And the security of your account, comes back to you… So have you lodged a support ticket yet?

OK, first off you’re wrong about the definition of a troll.

The actual definition of a troll, is: “A person who gains satisfaction and happiness from attracting negative attention to himself or others.”

No more, no less.

Since that is not what gives me satisfaction and happiness - quite the opposite actually - I am not a troll. So you’re going to have to figure out a new name to call me, since I am clearly not a troll.

Moving on to your statement, I have indeed lodged a support ticket, and I have changed my password. If I’m wrong about the token logger, then that is all that will need to be done.

I still don’t buy it, and I will regard you as a troll due to the demeanour you emit and the smugness you have in your responses to obtuse points you make being picked on.

You are a troll, as indicated by our previous engagements, and your want for gotchas, leading to this obtuse nonsense.

The fact that the COD bans weren’t actually for spawncamping as you claimed, is peak indication.

You may regard me however you wish, however the fact remains: I am not a troll.

[quote=“Kerry_Freeman, post:110, topic:123487”]
The actual definition of a troll, is: “A person who gains satisfaction and happiness from attracting negative attention to himself or others.”

No more, no less.

Since that is not what gives me satisfaction and happiness - quite the opposite actually - I am not a troll. [/quote]

The facts are, I am not a troll, have never been a troll, and will never be a troll.

It is physically impossible for me to be a troll. So you are wrong.

We all think you are a troll, no matter how much you try tell us we don’t know the definition of the term.

The fact you can’t admit you are wrong, highlights your hypocrisy.

They weren’t banned over spawncamping, and spawncamping in itself is a sign you are on your way to losing, or are losing… Either way, it’s part of the game that you dislike, but you want action taken to ban them over articles and conditions that didn’t happen.

This is much the same as the thread you told me that both of us were wrong, when you were the only one who was.

(edit - And I’ll go for the more apt definition rather than your limited scope definition…

An internet troll, or online bully, deliberately tries to offend, cause trouble or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments on Facebook posts, blogs, under YouTube videos, on forums and other social media, such as Twitter and Instagram.


Well, as I am not “deliberately trying to offend, cause trouble or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments”, I am not a troll!

So thank you for proving me right! Also, thank you for proving that you are deflecting as by your own definition, it is you who are the troll!

By your definition you, Bonrath, Uncle J. Wick, Sardine and especially ApodyktycznyCham, are all trolls!

Technically, I’m just being an asshole… You are the one continuing to try this gotcha nonsense you seem to rely on.

After all, you didn’t actually seem to even accept the fact of what those players were banned for as it didn’t meet your narrative.

And that is aligned with trying to avoid being noted as being argumentative for the sake of it, trying to tell everyone else they are wrong, because you are in fact wrong.

Yes, you’re “deliberately trying to offend, cause trouble, or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments” therefore you are the troll here.

Nope, just being an asshole calling you out on the points you made…

After all, none of those players were banned for spawnkilling as you proclaimed.

So sit back down and stop trying to tell everyone else they are wrong when you are in fact wrong.

That’s another name for “deliberately trying to offend, cause trouble, or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments”.

Therefore, you are in fact the troll here. Thank you for admitting it.

Sit down and stop talking altogether Mr. Troll, the adults are speaking.

No… Take your own advice, as you have been shown to be wrong multiple times.

Your statements are irrelevant Mr. Troll. Good bye and good riddance - don’t let the door hit you on the way out of this forum.

@FlyingDoctor , @Kerry_Freeman

Can you guys please stop harassing each other? That thread is not about you…

Of course - my apologies to you and to those who have not been harrassing me.

They made a claim which has been made clear to be false, and they won’t admit that they were wrong about it, and thus are deflecting and avoiding it… This is the same as what they did to me in that other thread, which ammounts to bad faith engagement from my angle.

Stop making excuses and stop blaming me for your inability to disengage.