Fair Play: July 2024

Regardless, my point remains: In shooter-genre games NOT called War Thunder, spawncamping and spawnkilling have consequences. Extreme ones.

Your point doesn’t stand, I’ve given you a couple examples where it’s not punished.
It’s the player’s fault first that they’ve allowed it, either thru lack of skill or thru bad luck. Granted game balance is always a factor but that’s of secondary meaning, especially with how insanely maps are streamlined nowadays

Those couple of examples are outliers. It’s punished in most games NOT named War Thunder. And in the case of War Thunder it’s bad map design that allows it, that and no proper spawn protection.

Aight, more examples for your all knowing gamer a$$ since you clearly know games.
Mentioned Halo, that one doesn’t ban spanwcamping
Mentioned R6S, that one doesn’t ban spanwcamping
Mentioned battlefield- lmfao how do you spawncamp in a BF game bozo and even then, they don’t ban it
Mentioned CoD, no bans for spawncampers
Mentioned GR, no penalties for spanwcamping there either.
Had enough examples yet or do you have more?
So get out with the only game under the sun, I think i may have mentioned a couple and it doesn’t seems like that makes WT a real exception, you’re just trash at videogames and you better start huffing that copium you clown

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They all ban it, the main issue is that nobody does it anymore because all the campers are banned!

So no, your examples are all ones that DO ban - permanently - for spawncamping!

You start huffing that copium, because the only one here coping, is you!

Oh really, give me a single example of such a ban now will you.
“Buh nobody does it anymore”, but did they ever?
Yap yap

Back in… I don’t know how long ago it was, 2014? 2004? One of the COD games sent a few hundred thousand players packing for spawncamping. It made the news on various gaming sites.

Nobody spawncamps in those games anymore because the ones that did, were permanently banned!

Yap yap yourself pal, spawncamping is a problem and until it’s dealt with War Thunder will suffer.

How about Game Informer for works cited?

Physical magazine. No links to be had.

exactly, gimme.

dont feed the trolls

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Not a troll, never been a troll, you don’t even know the definition of a troll.

aw cmon im so close to getting me a ban for spawncamping in like 50 games rn ((((((((


Hi, I’m Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? The constitution says you do! And so do I. Conscience gets expensive, doesn’t it? For a substantial fee, and I do mean substantial, you and your loved ones can vanish. Untraceable. I want it in a money order and make it out to Ice Station Zebra Associates. That’s my loan out. It’s totally legit … it’s done just for tax purposes. After that, we can discuss Visa or Mastercard, but definitely not American Express, so don’t even ask, all right? You’re a high-risk client. You’re gonna need the deluxe service. It’s gonna cost you. If you’re committed enough, you can make any story work. I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it. I never should have let my dojo membership run out. Better safe than sorry. That’s my motto. As to your dead guy, occupational hazard. Drug dealer getting shot? I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it’s been known to happen." Don’t cheat in War Thunder, but if you do, Better call Saul.


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2010 maybe, and not “hundreds of thousands” - just a 1 team in 1 game… and because it was alleged the “victims” were in league with them so it was illegal boosting/cooperation - not for the Spawn camping!

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This is akin to those players who were exchanging kills in Heli-PvP-EC when that was about… They were all at the spawns soaking up kills and just switching turns to go do it at the others base.

(Edit - Damn this threads gone stupid… That guy has obviously admitted to sharing their account if they aren’t actually playing. xD )

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Nope, not sharing, at least not willingly.

Then if you haven’t played since last month, then how have you got battles from last week…

That’s the issue here, with you claiming that it’s not you that is the person who is playing the account.

Perhaps you didn’t see the “at least not willingly” part of my reply.

It seems I was hacked. I did change my password, but I’m not sure how much that will help. See, I got no notification that someone had logged into my account. 2-Factor Authentication also wasn’t triggered.

I suspect Gaijin has allowed a token logger into the system somewhere, since others can log into my account and bypass their 2FA.

blah blah blah… Contact support, it has nothing to do with this, and the fact that you are obtuse enough to be a troll and play the fool on the regular is painfully obvious.

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