Fair Play: July 2024

You have to understand that support has access to more information, there has to be a valid reason the result has kept the same outcome.

I would just take it as a lesson and learn from it

It is, just open the sheet up and hit ctrl-f

for search function

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No amount of understanding will change the fact that they banned an innocent player. They are wrong. Their rationale for banning is completely black and white with no nuance at all. I will die not ever accepting this ruling.

There is no nuance needed:

Was someone using account XY to cheat? Yes / No => Ban / no Ban


Since we have this kind of problems very often recently, could you please explain why the two-step authentication via e-mail isn’t enabled by default, after registering the game account?

I don’t know how secure the Gaijin’s website is, but it’s a bit weird that so many players got their passwords cracked. And without the two-step authentication they will never know this until they see themselves banned.

I’m sure that enabling the two-step authentication via e-mail by default would only benefit Gaijin. There could be an option to disable it, but by default it should be enabled in my opinion.

Or at least, why not sending security e-mails from time to time (e.g. every new Fair Play list release) to all players who don’t have this option enabled? Just write that you banned XXXX accounts this time and many of these players are a victim of not having the additional account security enabled.

It’s not like every player who joins the game visit the forum or even the website and check all available account options.

I personally learned about this option, when I tried to access the marketplace. Before that I didn’t even know there is such possibility. And I personally don’t mind e-mail authentication. I just didn’t think about checking all available account settings. Especially you have to do this on the website, it’s impossible to do this inside the game.


Awesome got some of the scum gone. Be nice if there was a wave every 2 weeks. Either way is a win for players that put money into this game and then they get robbed because of players need to cheat.

There does seem to be a non-zero number of people this round who claim they detected that they were hacked, contacted customer support and had their account restored to working order, and then were banned anyway. Given that that would seem pretty pointless to lie about (Gaijin will know if that prior contact was made and if they intervened to restore the account), I think there can be legitimate concern here that your customer support team has not been working closely with your banning team in all cases.

I would think that if the player notifies the company of a hack, and gets their password reset and imposes 2FA, that should reset these EAC checks for them so they don’t end up later on a Fair Play list, and I think most players would feel the same way.

Add a “0” behind that number and ban the hardware then you can pretend you care about cheating problem.

I’d consider banning 7k players every month to be fairly good.

I don’t even think there are 76k active bots/hackers.

Yes, that’s good but if they keep returning because they’re not hardware banning them, then that number is artificially inflated.

Ban wave doesn’t scare cheaters anymore.
Met obvious wall hackers in most of the games, multiple kills in less than 3 minutes, one death quit. Some of them are new accounts, maybe RMT. Some rage aimbotters, Premium T80 and Leo shoot down helicopters just take off, 10+kills 0 death.
In first minute, if I stay somewhere randomly, enemy would call artillery strike on me when they shouldn’t have known my exact position. When i feel something is fishy, I just find a hiding spot, wait for the end: multiple enemies rush to my location without scout information. Yep they are all wall hackers, they all want the last kill.
I joined cheaters’ social media group in 2 years ago, back in 2022 they say there are cheaters in every game, because it’s easier for cheater to spot another cheater. They just pretended to be legit.
Cheating situation is getting way worse compared to 2022, even those cheaters complain about game is getting more difficult due to other cheaters.

Hardware bans are very risky. They work great at first but there side-effects will start to show as time goes on.

If you have noticed suspect behaviour, please report such thing via replay system (after you actually check the behaviour in server replay). That will help us a lot.

Please be aware, that in many case, one player do not really need to see you directly - sound plays a huge role on battlefield.
Sam with hiding in spot - it’s really easy to find campers when you do air recon in CAS/fighter.

What are the developers doing about air battle spawncampers? They’re a menace in the eyes of many and have no concept of sportsmanship or fair play.

Until you deal with them as you’ve dealt with ground spawncampers, the entire concept of fair play in this game is null and void.

The developer has repeatedly said that spawncamping in air battles is not against the rules of the game. Everyone respawns at the same time, if you don’t fight for the height advantage, you suffer the consequences of your choices. skill issue and that’s all in this topic.


It might not expressly be against the rules, but it is against fair play. It’s also considered bad sportsmanship.

Also, the developer has gone so far as to revamp spawn points in ground battles to deal with spawncamping, therefore they obviously believe it is an issue.

Bad map design and a clear disregard for fair play and sportsmanship do not equal a skill issue on the part of the players.

Allowing ANY spawncampers to remain is so bad, that they might as well be allowing ALL cheaters to remain, not just air spawncampers. In other words, by continuing to allow ANY spawncampers INCLUDING air, the concept of fair play and sportsmanship in War Thunder is rendered null and void.

It might be a skill or tactics issue in real life, but this isn’t real life. It’s a game, and its’ players expect fairness and sportsmanship. The developers need to realize this.

Perhaps the proper compromise would be to ONLY allow spawncamping in Simulator battles, where it is, in fact, most realistic and ban it in Arcade battles where it is not.

Ohhh no, I can on an occasion make a kill, when players play with any actual skill and engages me at a range and a position I can actually do anything about. It’s less about me being unable to counter people, and more about people doing uncounterable things.

Yes, everyone starts at their spawn when the round starts. No, that doesn’t guarantee equality or fair play.

Everyone in Call of Duty starts at spawn when their round starts.
Everyone in Battlefield starts at spawn when their round starts.
Everyone in any Ghost Recon game starts at spawn when their round starts.
Everyone in any Rainbow Six game starts at spawn when their round starts.
Everyone in HALO starts at spawn when their round starts.
Everyone in TF2 and its’ many clones, starts at spawn when their round starts.
Everyone in every shooter game ever, starts at spawn when their round starts.

That doesn’t stop them all from having the same exact punishment for spawncamping:

If you spawncamp in any Call of Duty game you’re given a ban.
If you spawncamp in any Battlefield game you’re given a ban.
If you spawncamp in Ghost Recon you’re given a ban.
If you spawncamp in Rainbow Six you’re given a ban.
If you spawncamp in TF2 or its’ clones you’re given a ban.
If you spawncamp in HALO, you’re given a ban.
If you spawncamp in every shooter game ever, you’re given a ban.

The only exception is War Thunder. The ONLY exception in HISTORY is War Thunder.

And you know why my kill ratings are so low? Because spawncampers LOVE shooting down people right as they spawn, before ANYONE can get near them, BEFORE THEY CAN DEFEND THEMSELVES.

And then they have absolute IDIOTS like you who love to swoop in and defend them saying STUPID things like “Oh just dive bruh!” Yeah, like that’s going to help when you have no countermeasures, flying a subsonic aircraft and the missile you’re playing against travels at Mach 4000.

It looks to me like you’re a stupid, toxic spawncamper who is absolutely desperate to maintain his or her cheating, unfair, unsportsmanlike, deliberate choice of way of life.

You are someone who is attempting to try and use my stats against me, when he’s most likely part of the very crowd I’m fighting against, the very reason my stats are ARTIFICIALLY low.

Yes, artificially low because spawncampers like you won’t even let me out of spawn.

And you wonder why so many people leave after one death? That’s why - because they’re sick and tired of people like you sitting in the spawn, shooting them when they’re utterly defenseless and unable to counter, because they don’t even know you’re behind them since they didn’t even have the two seconds in the match it takes to turn their heads and see you, before they were dead nine times over. They don’t have the time to practice their skills.

In fact, on the rare occasion I have actually been able to shoot a player down, one of the biggest factors was, there was no spawncamper on the enemy team!

Eliminating spawncampers would allow more players a chance to actually gain skill, instead of suffering as I have because they’re not shot down less than five seconds after spawning. So screw you pal, your words and even that stat card, do NOT reflect reality.

Real fucking easy to get kill after kill after kill after kill when you’re sitting right where everybody spawns, just nuking them before they have a chance to see you. That’s not skill, not one bit of it is skill. That’s an unfair advantage.

You wanna talk to me about skill? Quit spawncamping and let me get out in the open where I can actually do something. THEN we can talk about your supposed skill.

These days the second I see a red dot hovering in, behind, or near my spawn I leave, because I know it’s another no-skill scumbag like you waiting for me to spawn so you can get on my 6 and shoot me out of the sky before I have a chance to even get my bearings.

That’s right, I’m a one-death leaver these days and you - and people like you - are the cause. I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of a kill streak you didn’t earn.

Because Spawncampers NEVER earn their kills, preferring to pick people off before they even have a chance to gain situational awareness of where the fuck they are. That’s not skill, that’s an unfair advantage.

And the act of abusing legitimate gameplay mechanics to gain an unfair advantage over another player, is the absolute definition of the word “cheating”. Therefore, spawncamping is cheating.

You can attempt to skill-shame me all you want, but the fact of the matter is, if you’re spawncamping then all your kills are illegitimate because you earned them in a position where you are firing from absolute immunity. It takes zero skill to spawncamp; it takes far more to not spawncamp. ANYONE who doesn’t spawncamp, is automatically more skilled than those who do spawncamp.

And yes, that even includes a piss-poor groundpounder like me. Even I’m more skilled than you, than ANY spawncamper, because I don’t go after low-hanging fruit and cheap shots from a position of technically-legal immunity!

Will this help my account not getting hacked from the Marketplace?

Except Gaijin said spawncamping is valid tactic. And you have first couple of minutes where there is noone on spawn. Then you team simply failed at protecting the spawn,cause guess what. You can kill the spawncamper cause he have to get above spawn in first place. Simply climb and intercept the spawncamper on way to spawn. Conclusion is, you are bad player feeding enemy with kills,in LoL or Dota you would get banned for that. 0,03 K/D last month or 0.06 overall cannot be blamed on spawncamping at all, i´ve seen bad players complain about spawncamping,yet they had atleast 0.5

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I can explain that low K/D for last month: I only played a couple days out of that month.

I am not feeding anyone anything, I’m playing the best I can and attempting to learn along the way. Sadly, actually doing any learning is nearly impossible because of spawncampers.

Gaijin is wrong, and has no concept of how to build a map with respect to fair play or sportsmanlike conduct, both of which are things that spawncamping is very much the anti-thesis of.

And in both LoL and DotA, spawncamping will get you banned long before feeding will.