F9F BR problem

As stated, all of the F9Fs br are currently too high for their performance, especially after the April br changes.

  • The F9F-2 being at 8.0 while having worse performance comparing to the F2H at 7.3 (F2H with the wingtips fuel tank removed), it should be moved down to 7.3 and be foldered with the Banshee.
  • Now for the F9F-5, it performance is kinda decent and i would argue it being the best F9F performance wise. It is fine at 8.0 but with the recent br change moving basically anything that would eat it in a dogfight( or any fight tbh) down to 8.3 and 8.7 it should be moved to 7.7 and be foldered with the Banshee
  • F9F-8 should also be lowered down to 8.0 as even tho with 4x9bs performance is subpar comparing with other vehicle at the same br or .3 higher.
    All of these plane suffer a lot from powercreep and their br should have been adjusted a long time ago, same problem with the R2Ys at 8.0 even with their airspawn removed and Vampire FB5.
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