F16 destroyed 11.0+

I just got F4E and I dont even want to touch it. Getting killed by invisible missiles from 20km sucks

Only gets worse from there on out.

You can either learn how to fight it or stick to the lower BRs.

10.7 is still a lovely spot for jet ARB without the overwhelming presence of SARH missiles.

No, sorry, I dont think the game can handle all that currently.

I have a suggestion in for proper multi-stage afterburner

and “Antenna elevation” I think is possible but you have to turn off relative control in the settings for that option to work

yeah it does, sadly I experienced it now, f15a sucks ass but f16a sucks ass even more, idk what OP is on about, F16A can barely fight 11.3 mig23

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Sorry but that’s entirely a skill issue on your end.


not really. mig23ml is literally better than F16A


Uhhh cope mald cope seethe? F-16 is my preferred mig23 destroyer and denying that is literally cope.
Oh yea, and ur name checks out lol


you didnt even play the F16A you skipped it for the ADF which has sparrows that give it a chance against mig23…

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His ID checks out

Copium and literally skill issue


The F-15 may not pull the alpha you want but it has an insane pitch and when done in the vertical you can immediately drop down on someone. Also the last radar buff makes the F-15 have a faster lock on rate and its tracking is more solid over the Su27. its low alt performance is much better as well. Of course, it does not have R27ERs but it’s more accurate than the Su27. Try utilizing these strengths in your play.

You have a better thrust to weight and sustained turn rate in the F16. Perhaps you are cutting in pulling too hard against the Mig23 in afterburn. You will bleed a bunch of speed.

Rate fight and try not pulling too hard on the stick since there is no FBW to regulate your alpha and Gs currently for optimal performance. Also the Mig23 cannot follow you in the vertical go up instead of down. He will bleed out far before you do and then you can drop on him.

I am not saying you are doing anything wrong just trying to help you make your situation better.

Also, can you tell me what your fuel states are when playing these aircraft. What do you choose? Where is it usually at when you start making contact with the other team?

You rarely get to dogfight in ARB at these tiers, its mostly about headons and general missile fights
sure, f16a will win in a close dogfight but at a distance in a normal match its usually at a disadvantage

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Hmm you have a point in regards to ranged capability. Additionally, you have limited flares compared to other F-16s.

What fuel are you in when playing? Are you one of the first to make contact with the other team in the F-16A during average matches?

I see you understand the F-16A is limited on range attacks.
I know it may sound backwards but the regular A is now the support fighter of the F-15 and F-16C. You do not have the weaponry and CM survivability to operate independently.’

So, what I am trying to say is you got to play really opportunistic almost dirty. Lag into battle, ambush and hit and run tactics, assist in 2v1 etc.

Do not get wrapped up in a dogfight trying to kill one dude, if you cannot kill the dude in the first couple passes move on to the next or reset energy comeback when they are distracted by another team members and out of energy etc.

Play it like you’re a Wiley Coyote with zero honor. lol Only out for easy kills.

Again, I am not preaching like you do not know what you are doing, just trying to help your situation. You are 100% correct, you are the little guy at TT, with the dinky Aim9Ls, and very little CM. No HMS. But you are very fast, and your platform has the best high speed sustained turn rate if you do not pull too hard. Your particular F-16 the block 10 is the lightest and has the ability to pull the most alpha when you need to out of the Falcon series.

I would fly with no more than 20min fuel and a drop tank. In case you get jumped early in match you can drop the tank and have the best performance you can have at beginning of a match. instead of getting caught slipping at 30min internal.
Best dogfight performance and enough fuel to make it back to base is around 15-13min.


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He’s not going to read any of that and still get slapped by R-24Rs guided in MTI because he can’t think about not head on-ing his enemy.

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“Most expensive.”
Not really, it’s going to be the longest running program from the start.
The jet is still cheaper than F-15s, and the F-15 program itself costs more than the F-35 program annually.

Grab a Mig-23 then and 1v1 any of us; you won’t cause you either don’t own it and are talking nonsense, or you know you’re talking nonsense.
F-16ADF is “worse” than the F-16A, and sparrows are arguably worse than the 9Ls.

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Well, we did our duty. we here to help him.

I did play the A. It’s called the Netz lmao
Carrying sparrows is mostly useless anyway, just dodge and weave until u get close then rek everyone and everything, that’s the strat.

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The bloody F-104S sits at 11.0 with the ASA at 11.3 and it gets demolished by the F-16
I only ever am able to take them down with a Starfighter if the do headons which at that BR rarely happens

The Starfighters are an awkward airframe and don’t really belong anywhere due to their performance and weapon loadouts.