Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


Funnily enough US is even worse at top tier and i really don’t know why, i mean Abrams armor may be innacurate but it’s without a doubt a capable tank, not to mention the f16c which is definitely the best CAS ingame rn, btw look at Germany and Sweden winrates lmao.

It’s 10000000000000000000x times worse than the air drama man

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Well statistics show a dominant portion of new players who come to War thunder regardless of country of origin start off in the US tech. This has several factors. The US’s obvious technological advantage (due to massive investing in defense) and western pop culture.

So, a lot of these new players will come to WT and purchase capable premiums or purchase GE and shoot to top tier and get stomped out.

This is an issue that I do not believe we are giving Gaijin enough credit for. Many new customers want modern US vehicles. But GJ listens to the long existing community and tries not to offer top tier premiums. But at the same time GJ has to make money somewhere and they do not want to scare customers away with how skill dependent the game is.
Also, GJ does not want all the new players to come and stay in the US tech tree. They want them to explore other nations. Therefore, they offer newer historical variants in attempt to get people playing other nations. So, these vehicles perform better, and people cry bias because they want to live in the US tech tree and oversaturate that nation.

This is all my opinion of course.

I was thinking about getting into ground to be more versitile at sqaudron battles, but nah I will wait lol.

Isn’t it fascinating how win rates can be easily manipulated by such minor things? I believe they are trying to equalize many things and it’s not because of bias. if that was the case, the Flankers radar would be modelled! lol.

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It’s worth to try, you’ll probably enjoy if you manage to keep calm until you get used to the maps and the weak points of your enemies, about the toxic ppl they’re much worse to talk to compared to the ones we have in the air rb community so if you ever start playing ground don’t even waste your time with them.

100%, i genuinely believe the vikhrs nerf for example contributed to like 20% drop on winrate for Russia because these freaking helos were what made them OP in top tier

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Just like how 2A5/2A6 dominated for years , now they added an even better leopard , the 2A7, Sweden and Germany shit on everything. Ka-50 is muh ruSsian bIaS but Fire forget pars missiles for German Heli is balanced


You can’t even fly cas in top tier as USSR now , invisible 9Ms are not balanced. While R-73 still gets flared by 1 tap flares

You also cannot fly fighters to kill the definitely not op and not UFO f-16s, cuz invisible 9Ms and gripens

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Because American players are this bad and literally clueless skilless players that need extra ultra omega handholding

the average american team on display, even tho F-5C is an unkillable UFO which IR missiles cannot lock on to.

I have more kills than the total of this garbage skilless team. That is why F-15 stayed at 12.3 and SU-27 became 12.7


Yeah, I will soon! I actually miss playing props have been getting into it lately.

But Russian Helos are supposed to be very strong. I do not know how strong the Vikhrs is though irl.

I think US mains biggest issue is there is a crap ton of them. They want the best of the best but literally want to stay and live in that nation’s tech forever with no intention of branching out and exploring the rest of the game’s vehicles. I personally think if the US is to see this perceived “bias” against it go away. They need to seriously try and play other nations.

Also, I do think GJ can do more for the British and think they have dragged their feet on their capabilities.

Yeah. It’s interesting because technologically, and historically. The USSR and Federation are leaders in attack helicopter capability and survivability. The Hinds, KAs and the Havoc are way too easily shot down in game. They are notoriously tough and hard to kill. The US is heavily invested into capturing the newest variants.

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They are still the best heli missiles rn imo but before they had insane maneuverability and you could guide 12 of them at the same time, making almost impossible for the spaa to counter them. Now the ka50 is still annoying and probably the best heli but it’s far more balanced

I feel that too, mainly on the mi24s

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So back to the Su27. What are your current thoughts.

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Ppl are pointing out that there are some inconsistencies on the FM, but regardless if it’s accurate or not, i found the su27 to be awesome on the current air RB meta. I’m not playing the game frequently but when i do i pick the flanker and usually i have a pretty good time with it, the flight performance is good enough to survive the furball and the missiles are very efficient if you use them in the right moment/circumstance, recently i decided to give the 27et a chance and boooy that thing can do insane stuff sometimes… In general it’s the usual shit, probably the plane is incorrect in terms of flight performance but for the RB meta it’s enough, i’m satisfied with it although i’m still on the mig29 cope so unironically sometimes i chose the SMT over it, i really want a light fulcrum variant that can carry r73s lmao i just love that plane.

There is a reason I was asking because all of the stuff you are saying that the flight model does or does not do has been nonsense. The flight model was buffed by a respectable margin after it came out and I was confused why you wanted to revert to a substantially worse version.

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Happy Feet, ok I am sorry.

the jet is dope af. I love it.

But in all honestly it was unable to pull alpha at 900km. You see it does now.

I know you think I do not play the jet in full real. I play it hours upon hours in full real in closed and use it in air rb. The 800km-900km barrier is no more.

You have to really pull on the stick too. So I do not see how this will hurt sim experience. Right?

Common theme, I saw no changes to the FM in the datamine either so I’m not sure why anyone would backtrack and claim a problem that didn’t exist was suddenly fixed upon realizing they were wrong. Maybe we can get back on track and discuss the REAL issues with the FM.

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Yes, because GJ has no power to make changes to their own game without you personally knowing of it and cannot avoid the all-seeing, almighty datamine.


The issue with the flight model is the same as the other RU aircraft flight models; it absolutely decimates speed in any kind of turn and it’s performance ends up being relatively mediocre if you have to weigh it against other flight models in the game.

With that being said I have flown in a lot in sim and everyone that says that it is outright bad doesn’t really understand the full story.

And it hits some numbers on a chart so the flight model is accurate. Or it’s inaccurate. Or it’s over-performing slightly. Depending on what metric you use and what time of day it is.


The two seater is the most beautiful Flanker imo.

İt was buffed by 5 units after getting nerfed 10 units before patch release after Dev server

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It wasn’t good on development server.

it wasn’t? I was being able to defeat almost every 4th gen besides the fake f16 and the both “controversial” m4k and gripen

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