F15A Balance idea

I definitely agree that SARH are not meta and I even think that fox-3 introduction won’t have a big impact on top tier since everyone will keep lawn-mowing like they always do, but to say that the R-27ER is as effective as the AIM-7M is a WILD statement.

In a 1v1 BVR joust, the R-27ER will win 9 out of 10 times. It is that much better. The inertial guidance makes it a pseudo fox-3 and the massive acceleration difference means you will never panic if someone launches a AIM-7M at you, you have all the time in the world to locate them and launch yours, the R-27ER will hit first. Don’t even have to crank.

Currently planes with R-27ER can deny any other nations from climbing - except maybe the F-14 just to launch his phoenix and dip very quickly - and essentially have altitude supremacy.


Altitude supremacy only matters in the lower BRs where thrust is a luxury though.
Even with my EJ Kai, I’ve noticed, pitched up, locked, and destroyed Su-27s before heading back to the deck.
Altitude potential IMO matters more than being at altitude.

Agree, ive used both 9m and r73, ill take 9m everytime since from every angle except front its basically a free kill. The r73 on the other hand really only becomes a free kill if you get a rear aspect shot or they dont see it coming.

lmao no

I’ve played real matches, I’ve had a much better time stock grinding MiG-29G with R-27R than F-15 with AIM-7M


bruh aim7f/m and r27r/er got a little buff today not like the r27er needed one

They didnt learn how the missile works and/or are raging they didnt see the missile until it was already on their doorstep.

The 9m is definitely strong but so is the r73. 9m is better for picking off people not focused on you and the r73 is good at either killing people engaged with you or forcing them defensive.

They each have their strength and they can each be defeated with situational awareness and the countermeasure button. Of course thats a bit reductionist because it applies to all missiles but missiles have different thresholds of awareness required and defeating a missile costs speed.

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“Extremely accurate and well off missile.”

Are you and I playing the same game? Not sure we are if you’re saying this about the Aim-7s lmao

Hi Gamer! We are indeed playing the same game and when employed correctly the AIM-7M is extremely deadly, never miss with it unless I launch it in the wrong situation!


kinda triggered a nerve in mine head this lol
its undebatable that he is very skilled in air RB and energy management when it comes to BFM, i think your and many other peoples main gripe with him could be about his ‘complaints’ which is basically the way of communicating on his channel that he has found to attract the most attention.
hardly a reason to dismiss his skill in ACM.

Ya i wasn’t dismissing his skill, more just making a comment about why I dont like him as a creator. Same reason I stopped watching Spitflyer… I get how this game can “encourage complaining” (to put it lightly) but if i’m watching videos about the game I’d rather them not just be 10-15 mins of ranting with gameplay in the background. Thats what playing the game is for lmfao.

I’m pretty sure a blind patient has better tracking capabilities than some of the Aim-7s I’m firing headon at altitude. I’d rather mount 8 Aim-9Ms to the F-15 than have a split 4/4.

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