F15A Balance idea

With the presence of the R27ER missile it puts the F-15A at a massive disadvantage.

Yes, which means putting F-15A to 13.0 as well since it’s identical in performance to the other current 12.7s.
F-15s should retain their 9Ms and be put to 12.7 with everyone else.
There’s no compression there.

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I went and played some customs with the R-27R against the AIM7M after I posted this, the gap between the two missiles is much more than mediocre vs decent. Along with having worse electronics, the R-27R burns for a pretty short period of time and doesn’t get nearly as fast as even the R-24R. I would go as far to say that the difference approaches the different between the R-27ER and AIM7M. This is why I think that putting the R-73 in place of the R27ER is the best way forward, as it offers a similar performance gap in a different area which would favor the Russians, achieving balance through giving each nation its own unique advantages.

Also, it would neatly set the time period in around the mid-1980s.

As long as the R-27ER is at 12.7 in the numbers it can be found on with the SU27, the Eagle does not belong at 12.7.

No. The Mig-29s shouldn’t all be 12.7.
There’s no reason to put R-73s on the others.
R-27ER and AIM-7F/M aren’t OP, they never have been, never will be.
I guess you want Su-27 at 12.3 as well then…
Sorry, but F-15 is 12.7 worthy no matter how much you deny it.

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Wtf are you saying? First of all I never said to put any MIG29 at 12.7 beyond the one that is already there. The F16C is at 12.7 too, I have no problem with that. Also, I do not think that the SU27 should go to 12.3 either. That’s a ridiculous remark to make considering how I just said that the R27ER was OP, especially in the numbers it can be found on in the SU27. The F15A is not worthy of 12.7 without the artificial buff that is the AIM9M. The 15A would have spent most of its service life without this missile and I think that it should be reserved for the F-15C. Putting the R-73 on the early MIG29 and taking away its R27ER would be a historically accurate set of changes that would place its load out to be circa ~1985. Same with having the 9L/7M for the F15A.

You did though… unless you support the 12.0 Mig-29s going to 11.7 without their R-27ERs?
Sorry, but if Su-27 is 12.7 worthy so is F-15, and if F-15 isn’t neither is Su-27.
Either both go to 12.7 or both go to 12.3.
They’re effectively identical for air RB.

And you just said to put the Mig-29s at 12.7 again here:

R-73s and only R-73s are the reason the Mig-29s are 12.7.

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No. I said to put R-73 on the early MIG29, take away its R-27ER, and leave it at 12.0. Your statements about the F15 being completely equal with the SU27 and them both belonging at the same BR make it seem like you don’t play the game. R-27ER is such a drastic advantage. Frankly, the reason why I want the 9M off the F-15 is so that it can be undeniably justified in sitting at 12.3, and hopefully even stay there if the SU27 gets moved up to 13.0

They wouldn’t be 12.0, they’d be 12.7 with R-73s.
Proof: Mig-29SMT and Mig-29G.
R-27ER is a radar missile, it’s so much not a threat at that BR.
F-15 is at least equal to Su-27. I’m not sure why you’re slandering America and defending Russia so hard…

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Nah. The 29G and 29SMT are 12.7 because they have better radars and R27ETs.

Also, my saying that the Flanker is better is because Gaijin has made it so artificially overpowered with the 27ER that there is no way to bring the F15A up to par without introducing AMRAAMs. Which to be clear I don’t think the F-15A needs AMRAAMs, those belong on the F15C.

Go ahead and try and beat it in a BVR fight yourself.

I want the F15A to be successful, and there’s no way I see that happening without it getting away from the R27ER. Even if it means giving up the AIM9M.

Lastly, as a US player, the R-73 isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. All you need to do is jam its WEZ and pre flare and you will do fine in evading it.

R-73 is much easier to flare than AIM-9M, just don’t get too close

And the G and SMT are already massively outperformed at 12.7

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No, they’re 12.7 cause they fire R-73s.
Otherwise they wouldn’t be 12.7, but rather 12.3 as you know what else fires R-27ETs? Yak-141.

F-15 with AMRAAMs would be on par with Su-30 using R-77s.
F-15 is already successful.
R-27ER is just a Soviet AIM-7M that goes faster, that’s it.
Both are easily defeated and non-meta.

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Lmao. You must be smoking some good shit to think the R27ER is on par with the AIM7M. Or you’re just a Russia main.


Mmmm, yes, very “Russia” [doesn’t exist as a WT tech tree] main.

My air tactics rely on smart teams, and F-15 put me with not smart teams, and despite that I have a 1.5KDR in it still purely during the spading process.

What does a 10 tech tree player with all ten tech trees completed know though?
I even rely on other experts knowledge of things I miss, such as Defyn.

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The only thing DEFYN is an expert at is complaining. Used to like him too. I don’t understand how you came to the conclusion that you have about the 7M vs the R27ER. It’s such a lopsided matchup it’s not even funny. I have launched a 7M a full 10 seconds before getting launched on by an ER, cranked, and still died. That missile was so unnecessary it’s insane.

Also, USSR and Russia are the same thing. Surprised you couldn’t make that connection.


I don’t rely on R-27ER nor 7M, cause neither are meta missiles.
Both are situational long-range radar missiles best used within 12km.
Radar missiles aren’t meta, and stopped being meta the moment ground clutter was introduced.
You want meta radar missiles? Air arcade. That’s where R-27ER is more powerful than AIM-7M.
But in air RB where all I have to do is terrain follow/notch and engage in a minor reversal against an Su-27/Mig-29 winning 100% of the time? Yeah no, R-27ER is as effective as AIM-7M once you know the universal tactics of defeating all SARH missiles.

“USSR and Ukraine are the same thing.” is the same level of accuracy, by the by.

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Lmao no it’s not. Basically every USSR plane in game was designed by the Russians. I’m not talking about real life. I’m talking about the game.

just leave the f15A alone, it’s barely surviving in air rb since u make an easy turn and then boop your wing is gone, can’t make a dogfight properly and the aim7m is so bad soo what it’s should be moving to 13.0 again?

I don’t understand why people claim 9M is “unflareable”.

In my experience, only 1/4th of the 9Ms land on their targets.

3/4th of the 9Ms I fire are flared away even by a single, lone flare launch.