I play on ps4 so i am not great at sim althpugh ive tried a few times i just die on or right after takeoff
Have you tried using the SAS mode?
It makes flying a jet so much easier.
I have no clue what that is sadly
It works like instructor in AAB/ARB.
Only things what you need is key binding.
Probably in order to sell another premium. Let us remember the fate of the Italian A-129. Six months after the packages are sold out, Gaijin simply releases another perm modification, better and on the same BR. They probably want to sell AMX packages. And it looks very disgusting.
just brought it this sales… i try to use it for distroying bases but i don’t allways even manage to get to the base :)) it should be lowered in BR defenetly.
Personally I find it to be one of the more fun and usable 11.0 aircraft, you just have to use it right, staying above mach 1 at all times picking off targets of opportunity, it does suffer from the matchmaker but that’s true of many BRs it isn’t a reason really to change it, just wait for the common BR ranges to move and it’ll be good again
what load out do u use?
I use the Sparrows, usually carry bombs but depends on the map and if I’m playing for fun or to grind, just enough to destroy a base, i find the at if I take the gun i get caught up trying to dogfight and that’s what gets me killed, the Sparrows do require some planning to use effectively but if you catch someone in the right situation it can be a guaranteed kill and the AIM-9s are obviously not great with like 18-20G pull (I forget) and rear aspect however they do a surprisingly good job given the role of the aircraft as a support fighter, I can usually get a base and at least one kill in the TAF however I die much more rarely now than I used to because it’s pretty easy to keep out of the way of the better aircraft if you take max fuel and basically stay on afterburner above mach 1 at all times, even though a MiG-29 could catch you flying at mach 1.3 (which you can do relatively easily) they usually start at a much lower speed than you so you can get some distance and then use your high fuel load to force them to give up, similar with the F-16, they can carry more fuel but aren’t quite fast enough to threaten, the big threat to you as a 104 is radar missiles but they’re usually used early in the game so as long as you stay out of the way at the start you can play it pretty safe, the biggest threat (aside from R-27ET/R) is likely the F-14 or a competent F-4J/S pilot however they have a harder time keeping up with you.
I’m not saying that TAF is better or even equivalent to these aircraft however it can compete with them if you play to your strengths and it is still the best bet for grinding Italy by far
Perfectthx for killing this plane!!! 11.3? now is every plane in game faster than this PEN! and everything can turn … speed was only advantage of thsi plane now is totaly dead… thx for ruining OWN GAME and planes what i pay for real money!!!
Still better than facing against F16 and Yak141, MiG29s
11.3 is a downtier cause the decompression was 0.7.
*Sad ASA noises
what load out did u used?
that was realistic game right?
x6 AIM-9Js and guns
ofc it is ARB games
You seem like a wise person. Do you know or do you have any predictions on when the F104 Taf will be available for purchase again?
Honestly not a clue, I didn’t even realize it wasn’t for sale anymore, best bet would be Turkish Independence Day or Armed Forces Day, so 30th August or 29th October next year, sorry I couldn’t be more help, I wish you the best of luck.
Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate your input and the suggestions for potential dates. Wishing you all the best as well!