F/A18A Has no aim7p yet F/A18c early will?

This is blatantly p2w isnt it?


There’s a .3 br difference between them I believe, but the 7P shouldn’t be locked behind the premium f18c. It should come other aircraft 100%

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Both will be 12.7 im pretty sure, that aside i agree 7p should come to all tt hornets and the f14b


Seeing as this is the first dev server, i would not take any of it at face value.

The 7P is also going to the late iirc but at the BR it wouldn’t serve as well

wheres tomcats aim7p SU33 at same br gets r27ER

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It gets more missiles, better missiles, with a better radar at the same br. I agree 100%

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does this looks like Tomcat to you?

Aim7p got also carried by f14b

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looks like a unworthy successor

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Nah f/a18 was great. F14b was much more expensive and did the job no better

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Then I just can’t get why you are spamming Tomcat AIM-7P on the Hornet topic.

i respectfully disagree in the air to air role nothiing could beat it other than F15

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cause i dont want the tomcat to be left in the dust

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everythiung that has AIM7M should get AIM7P image.thumb.png.6c49656ffdbb55208a6ad462882dbe6d


I get your point

  • Every USN plane armed with AIM-7M needs AIM-7P.


But your ‘spamming tomcat on Hornet topic’ sounds off-topic, man.

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yes a little bit of spam but im not talking for just tomcat im saying all models desreve the 7p F16 F15 F14
to counter R27ER plus i only said it once here

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Oh, I might be a bit mistaken with ‘F-14B need AIM-9M’ claim [at another Hornet topic]’

I won’t bother if you claim that in Tomcat topic, sir.
But in the meantime, as long as this topic is about F/A-18A, We need to concentrate on Hornet this time.

Non navy aircraft never got aim7p. They should get aim7mh but that aint hapoening

Aim7p is a fun new tool, the only tt variant with it being at 13.7 would be a massive shame. Aim7m is simply not competitive at 12.7/13.0. Fox 1s are my favs and ive been waiting for a new aim7 for a while