F/A-18C Early at 13.0, with no fox 3's? Only aim 9L's and aim 7p's?

I don’t think fox 3’s would be good because it’s a premium, but since there is none how come it’s at 13.0? maybe 12.7 would be better

im pretty sure the dev guy said that it will be 12.7 on release but that would be way too op


personally if it’s at 13.0, it should get 9M’s because the block 29 used them

yea but it would be idiotic to make premium version with better missiles same br as tech tree variant

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I had written a bug report, as a Block 12-14 hornet (unsure which block, based on the equipment it should be block 14, and based on serial number it is a block 12 hornet, but belonging to the wrong squadron) should have access to AIM-120As