F/A-18 Hornet (Legacy): History, Performance & Discussion

its still supersonic and maybe around 0.05 or 0.1 Mach slower then? not a bad thing still llol

I’m really curious if WT will get the power of the F-18 into the game.

F-18 is nothing special in itself, can carry a few Aim-120s and is just a slow duck, that’s basically it…

BUT the great strength of the F-18 was its software MSI (Multi-Sensor Integration), which means that every sensor can basically create a track and make it available to the system and via Link16. An AGM-88 is also a sensor and creates A/A tracks on which you can theoretically shoot.

In addition, you can shoot at the tracks of data link contacts without your own radar pointing at them, which opens up completely new possibilities and that is what would make the F-18 so strong.

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you should have kept reading ;)

No need since your claim was more than enough for me to stop.

well that’s a basis for discussion…

You should, because I praise the F-18 to the skies.

the only problem is that if WT doesn’t implement such capabilities then the F-18 is a slow duck compared to other aircraft.

Not really, you criminally underestimated F-18’s dogfight capabilites and the amount of ordinance it can carry.

Despite having low thrust to weight ratio with full combat load Hornet is one of the most dangerous dogfighter in Service.

It has amazing AoA capabilites and low speed handling, it also doesnt suffer from high speed compress as well, only thing it struggles is the top speed with combat loadout in real life which will not be an issue in Warthunder cause Gaijin doesnt model it.

Btw it can carry more than few Aim-120’s.


Yes, and for the very reason I mentioned, because the software makes it possible.

In modern combat, BvR skills are required Dogfight is no longer the big thing.
and when it comes to BvR, 10 aim120 without MSI won’t do you much good either.

Without MSI, the F-18 will just be a slow duck and will be eaten by every F-16 in the BvR

And F-16 wouldnt be able to fly without its software and computer, your point doesnt make any sense.

What are you talking about?
Does out-rating the F-16C justify the name calling? “Slow duck?”?? The Gripen IRL was limited to 1.4 mach with a 1/3 of the missiles the F-18 can carry. In-game pylon loads do not incur drag penalties that they would in real life… I think you’ll be surprised by the F-18 in-game.

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What are you talking about, did you even understand what I wrote in my initial post?

I’m talking about MSI and that’s what makes the F18 so strong in BvR, without that the F18 is quite inferior, that’s the core strength of this aircraft.

Why have you suddenly realised that the F16 doesn’t work without software?

I was talking about a software aspect and not that the F18 comes completely without…

Did you understand what you wrote? You claimed the F-18 was a slow duck…? It’s quite literally a wholly capable supersonic fighter with combat performance on par with America’s best Gen4 fighters.

The F18 is a lame duck in comparison. With an A/A armament of 4 or 6 missiles it becomes critical, as the F16 F15 is much faster in comparison.

Yes, and I’m not negating that at all - I’m even in favour of it because of the MSI Capabilities that the aircraft has where speed no longer plays such an important role.

Even if WT adds the drag for pylons, it should be uncomfortable I wouldn’t rest because it’s not implemented yet

Looks like someone has no idea that both F-15 and F-16 also becomes much slower with combat loadouts.

You clearly dont have any idea what you’re talking about and i dont understand why do you keep insisting on same thing.

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Please stop putting words in my mouth.

I am fully aware that other aircraft become slower with load, I mean do you really think I am not aware of this, I have not said anything to the contrary. In direct comparison with or without payload, the F18 is relatively slow. That’s why I said “in comparison”

An F15 with 8 aim120 can still fly M2. f16 with 6 aim120 almost the same.the F18 on the other hand with a similar payload What 1.3?

So the F18 is one of the slower aircraft, but that wasn’t the point. It is the MSI that makes it so dangerous

If I recall correctly that loadout is 8-10 AMRAAM’s? Or was it 12? The only things that carry more are much more advanced (and heavier) versions of the F-15.

No one has.

Mach 1.8 because this isn’t modeled for any aircraft in the game. The Gripen with just 4 missiles is stuck at 1.4 mach irl.

Quit hogging the other features that very likely aren’t coming to the game. It will just have a good RWR & Radar, HMS. Will feel like a slightly better MiG-29 to play with less power behind the climb and accel.

you have misunderstood me here i mean by critical that the F-18 with the same number of missiles is slow compared to other aircraft. and that this is already slow with 6 missiles and very slow with 10…
in fact an F-18 with 6-8 missiles is significantly slower than other aircraft that can carry a similar payload:
Or an F-16 with full A/A armament is either just as fast or faster than a naked F-18…

I compare the F-18 with payload to other airplanes and it is said that I don’t know that other airplanes get slower with the same payload, that is simply an insinuation.


Exactly and that’s what I’m talking about 1.4 is slow.
if you compare that with other aircraft and A/A armament
as I said, it will be interesting if WT modeled it, why hasn’t it been like this so far?

but enlighten me, why is there no deduction for payload or in what way, when I test it ingame an airplane with A/A armament is slightly slower than without, just tested with an F-5

6 Aim9 1.08M
without 1.12M

so there seems to be an effect even if it’s not that much?

that’s something I wouldn’t say about WT anymore.

If I go back a few years someone would have been called crazy if they had talked about RWR, Radar and Fox3 Missiles for WT.

it wouldn’t surprise me if datalink is the next big step

So the MiG-31 is the best fighter to ever exist because it’s fast right?

Perhaps the MiG-29 is smoking the F-16 and F-15 because it’s faster?

Yes, but irrelevant for the game. Has been irrelevant for 12 years. Speed based on pylon stores is not modeled.

I wouldn’t have, that’s easily modeled.


How do you come up with that I have explicitly pointed out several times above why speed no longer plays such a big role irl , precisely because aspects such as MSI and other things and the F18 is therefore so deadly.

And we’re talking in a game context here. We should keep that apart, please.

Also you should see the whole thing in relation F15, mig29, F16 all move close to M2 with payload.
And these aircraft are faster with full A/A armament than a naked F18 - that’s a significant difference.

The faster you are the further you can shoot your missile which makes a difference in the end.
In DCS the F16/15 often have an advantage over slow jets in BvR for this very reason
The F18 has problems there when it comes to top speed and acceleration, even with only 6 AIM-120s.

I mean test it out. Fly BvR in WT the F16 with Aim120 against another F16 with aim120 only this one without AB then you have a slow opponent who is equal to the F18.

I have shown you tests results that pyload has a negative effect, how does this come about?
For me personally this is new, armament has always slowed down my airplane.

Well, if it’s that easy then Datalink and co can come. :-)

Okay, so if we are speaking about in-game context then neither are in-game? Speed differences will be completely out of the discussion and so will MSI.

Proceeds to go on a rant about IRL differences vs in-game…

Datalink is already in the game.