F-84F should be moved down to 7.7

The F-84F is legitimately the saddest plane I have ever seen in all of Warthunder.
How about we compare it to the 7.7 F-84 yeah?

It’s acceleration is far worse so despite the higher top speed it’s generally slower
It’s turning is bad, really really REALLY bad. Words can’t even describe it.
It’s wings are larger targets, and break off at extremely low Gs.
It’s guns are also nothing special being the same weak .50cals

When it comes to being a strike aircraft, their payloads are slightly different with their own advantages. The 84G can carry 24 HVARs with two 1,000LB bombs
The 84F can carry 8 HVARs with four 1,000LB bombs

Without bombs:
The 84G can carry 32 HVARs
The 84F can carry 24 HVARs

The 84G is far more able to defend itself from other planes in ARB or CAP in GRB than the 84F, and also has far less downtime to make a second pass over the battlefield, or to RTB and rearm. All this, and the 84F is at 8.3, with no flares, no missiles, and worse flight performance than the 84G.

Now this being said, the 84F does have one advantage over the 84G, that being it has ballistic computers.
The first one is CCRP. CCRP levels the playing field against radar SPAA such as the ZSU-23, as it allows you to bomb them from as far as you can see (it’s hard to explain with text so I recomend watching a YT vid about it). CCRP is also how you sling bombs accurately btw.
Secondly is CCIP. CCIP shows you where your bullets will land . . . . . . yeah it’s pretty useless with .50cals outside of ground pounding in ARB and that is basically a death sentence for the 84F

Oh and it’s worth noting the F-84B at 7.0 also gets CCRP, so the 84F isn’t unique in that.

Anyways this is why I believe the F-84F should be at 7.7 instead of suffering at 8.3


The F-84F should have honestly been added way long ago back in 2014-2015 when the Cl-13A Mk.5, F-86F-2, Hunter F.1 and MiG-17 were still top-tier jet kings lmao.


Yeah I have to agree, I play MiG-15/17/F-86 regularly and F-84F’s are just free XP/SL pinatas, no matter the skill of the player. Its just such a crappy platform in general


for every 100 good ideas Gajin ignores, one makes it through.