F-4s Sim br rating

Having gotten into sim again, I got the f-4s to try and make the grind better. However, while flying in sim I noticed that I was mostly up against the MIG-23 ML.
The mig-23 has a better dogfight missile, the R-60, better acceleration, better turn radius. a pulse doppler radar, IRST and a long range missile thats just as capable as the aim-7F.
So why is the F-4s .3 br higher? I only noticed today as gaijin changed the br bracket from 10.3-11.3 to 10.3 to 11.0 The only phantom not that can fight it is the F-4E, which is woefully outclassed.

Shouldn’t the F-4s and the Mig-23 ML be of equal rating? Or am I missing something


F4S can compete against the M23, same with the M29/F14/F16A - not the easiest but can be done.

For me the problem sits with the F16C, M29SMT & M29G.


The issue at question is the questionable BRs that the F-4 Family have when compared to the other Jets in the same bracket. Not whether or not one can do anything to the offending aircraft (though the list of options against the First tier 4th gens isn’t terribly high.

I suspect that the F-4S/J really has no place sitting at 11.3. Mostly due to the facts like that the Kurnass 2000 tap dances all over it. It isn’t the only Jet with a small difference in BR that makes a marked difference.

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I posted last night to have the current 11.3 line-up be shifted down to 11.0,

10.0 can compete with current 11.3, current 11.3 can not compete with current 12.3 now. A slightly alert F15/SU27/J39A/C player obliterates the F4 and M23


Can they have plane for back the br of f-4 to 11.7?

Mig-23ML doesn’t have a pulse doppler radar but MTI radar which has a limited look down mode and limited scope preset. AIM-7F outclass the R-24 in range. F-4S is absolutely better in BVR against Mig-23ML.

Radar and Radar Missiles: F-4S > Mig-23ML

F-4S has relatively better RWR with signal strenth and launch detection from a Mig-23ML while the later has a quad-directional limited RWR with just track warning.

Situational Awareness: F-4S > Mig-23ML.

Mig-23ML has recently got a flight model nerf where its oswald coefficient was changed significantly. It loses way more speed now compared to pre - seek and destroy FM. It is still workable but it just isn’t the wonder machine it was before.

All this factors for 0.3 lower BR.


When I’m on F-4s in upto 12.0 bracket I beat 23ml all the time.
I made second star for event for one battle on F-4s. 4 sparrows = 4 23ml kills. And no, 23ml can’t overturn F-4s but they are near each other in terms of gunfight. R-60m is too shitty missiles. There is one flare enough to evade R-60m at any distance.
The most imbalance thing at 11.7 now is Mirage F1C with Matra Magic 2, same speed as Mig-23’s and infinite flares.

R-24T is thing. You can easily destroy an F-4S with this missile without the F-4S even knowing what destroyed it. I use this missile all the time with great success. And then there is the R-60M, which is an excellent missile for close encounters and ambushes. Although the MiG-23ML/MLA/MLD had a nerf in its flight characteristics, it can still outmaneuver the F-4S with ease. The only advantage with the F-4S is practically only PD radar with AIM-7, which is very easy to neutralize with notching and chaffs. A good opponent for MLD is the F-14A early. F-4S is just food.

Example of battle (before BR changes - 13.07.2024):

It says what killed you in the kill feed though.