F-4S Phantom II should get AIM-9L


The F-14A is still missing the AIM-9L which it should have according to the WT wiki lol.

I wonder Skyflash (DF) it would be Skyflash 3000 or 5000 TEMP ?

I predict maybe F-14A from post vietnam war 2 years (1977) before integraded AIM-9L sidewinder 2 years

F-14A 1979 ~ early 80’s and “bombcat” upgraded mid 90’s used AIM-9L

yeah but they shouldn’t be using the early or prototype labels on aircraft to prevent them from getting armaments that they had irl

I meant the super temp

sir! that is fair u got full item with 1 click u can’t more stronger than unlock item with effort of player

Lets see…

But it’s a pure fighter, with not-so-good radar, lesser quantity of MRAAMs, and really lesser CAS/bombing potential.
But, yes, it have.

Lesser quantity of worse Fox-1’s, and reasonable assault armament.
Imho F-4S, better in stallfight.
But yes, F1, have really potentially best IR SRAAM in game.

Higher BR.

Attacker, which have those missiles as self-defence weaponry.

Look upper.

Higher BR.

No (adequate) SARH, no (adequate) bombing potential, so yes, Bis have only 6 very manouverable, but pretty flarable, very short range missiles.

Well, i guess those one have all-aspects as payment for lesser maneuver capabilities.

F-4S arleady better than F-4J and (UK) but on same BR, AIM-9L will bring it up. Do you want it?

After the new BR change, Japanese F-4EJ Kai at same BR with F-4S and it has AIM-9Ls, so know most reason for F-4S should get 9Ls too.

Also EJ Kai has more counter measures.

Only in arcade mode, the EJ Kai is 12.3 is RB and SIM, it also doesn’t have Agile eagle and no HMD.

The F-4S is also 11.7 in Arcade, so they never have the same BR.

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F-4S Phantom ii is currently fine without AIM-9L in the matchmaker. It does not need it. All it will do is put the aircraft up to 12.7 (12.3, but it should go to 12.7 with 9L)


It’s currently 12.0 and would not go up to 12.7 with the addition of the Aim-9L. All it adds is the capability of All-aspect, and due to the old RWR, crappy radar, lack or IRCCM missiles, ARH missiles, and sparrows as its main SARH missiles, it would be raised to 12.3 as a minimum. Not to mention just how low the flare resistance is in the Aim-9L…

All aspect + HMD is a minimum of 12.3 for subsonics, 12.7 for supersonics.

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Not for the F-4S. Its still just an Aim-9L, and 12.7 would be a massive unwarranted leap. The addition of all aspect IR missiles isn’t a massive change and wouldn’t need two BR step increases.

The first supersonic IR missile carrier with HMD is 12.7 (MiG-21 BISON) with 2 missiles and an 11.3 airframe. The F-4S is 12.0 with 9Js (i think,) which is a missile difference which easily justifies a 0.7 Br increase. Keep in mind the F-4EJ Kai with Aim-9Ls is already 12.3, without dogfight slats or HMD.

Edit: corrected incorrect information


It would need to, but I know gaijin would only put it to 12.3. Currently the Phantom F.3 is at 12.0, without the wing slats, HMD, AIM-7F (Has SkyTrash though), worse IR missiles, the F-4S should already realistically be .7 above it, with decompression, .3 without, so yes, adding AIM-9L to an already under BR’d aircraft would necessitate a .7 BR raise. And that’s without going into ground pound ordnance. The F-4M/K are the same although they have Speys which are a little help to make them competitive.

Ok, just NO. The MiG-23M is at 11.3 with the R-23T and the R-60M. Both are All aspect IR missiles and found on a supersonic airframe. Not to mention the other MiG-23s after it that are all before 12.7.

The MiG-21-93 Bison has IRCCM AND thrust vectoring R-73s, not just an all aspect upgrade.

Furthermore, the F-4EJ Kai has an F-16s radar, making it much more potent and effective with its Aim-7F/M usage. However yes it lacks the Radar HMD mode, the ability to slave IR missiles to an HMD, and agile eagle slats. But the slat difference currently means nothing to gaijin, or they would have placed the F-4J at a lower BR than the F-4S as they are otherwise near identical despite that one difference (and the Aim-9H over the Aim-9J). The other difference would have been Aim-9L compatibility, but you are seemingly against its historical correction in that regard.

The F-4S with the addition of the Aim-9L would result in a simple step BR increase, not two steps as you seem to think.

It doesn’t need it being honest, nowadays the F-4S with 5x AIM-7F and 2x AIM-9H is very potent

Half shameless plug to the Phantom suggestions I made for this exact reason
F-4S/L with AIM-9L and AIM-7M
F-4E/L with AIM-9L and AIM-7M, also featuring AGM-65Ds and AGM-45s