I’m genuinely joking about the whole Naval thing, but seriously look at yourself, apparently Brits are unreasonable for asking for one tank, meanwhile Germans get a free run at… let me see, the Swiss, Austrian, Dutch, Argentinian tech? I don’t think so
“think” - I don’t think anything about having high ground. I merely think you reap what you sow, and unfortunately this is the time in game where Germany for once actually does suck. Embrace it and run with it.
No. There is no gap in the tree. If you’d not got a Fox 3 carrier then I could see that, but that is objectively not the case. You seem to want to make out that Germany is some poor helpless nation, that has gotten nothing for the past three years. Maybe if you mained something like Italy, Sweden or Britain would you actually know what that entails.
This is just blatantly stupid, because we could say that about pretty much every tree. Britain could get half of europe by that logic because pretty much every Government that wasn’t Pro-Germany escaped to Britain. As did a number of their troops still loyal to those respective Governments.
What, do the Brits magically get a claim to every European tech tree because pilots from almost every nation flew Spitfires or Hurricanes? That logic is absurd.
then WHY did you use it? You’re the one who suggested that Germany was a “major tech tree” and had more right to regular additions than other trees, which is quite blatantly not true.
Well maybe ask the German Government really nicely if they’d stop exporting all their tech.
Where is Germany’s relationship to the Gripen? Nonexistent. What is Germany’s relationship to the F-16? Also nonexistent. There’s your answer.
Christ you really think that Germany is badly treated? No wonder you’re flip flopping like a dying fish.
Trust me, having been to both Belgium and France, there is a whole lot in common.
There is absolutely nothing stopping Gaijin from developing domestic vehicles alongside this and you’re fully aware of that, yet you’re choosing to make a non-issue a problem to suit your own ends.
And guess what… lots of people think that German mains should shut up and cope with the ICE being bad for two patches. You’ll get the EFT down the line anyway.
I mean the same could be said of you, thus far i’ve seen about 3 people suggest that the Dutch should go to Germany, which are you, Thodin, and one other dude further up the thread.
Hmmm yes let me ignore the entire Dutch Navy, which while sure it ain’t a battleship totting one, certainly was sizeable, as well as the Fokker factories (which you previously mentioned) which produced a wide variety of aircraft, not to mention the Belgian air industry. That’s two our of the three areas of the tech tree sorted. They could then have the Copy paste tech they already have BUT NO THEY CANT HAVE THE LEOPARD BECAUSE ITS GERMAN
That is merely because Gaijin has made it so. If you go and have a look through suggestions, not too long ago someone made a pretty decent suggestion - up to rank 4 there’s some fairly unique aircraft in there, and even afterward the modifications (Looking at the Mirage 5BA) give it differences to aircraft in other trees. Belgian Air Forces Sub-tree