F-4F KWS LV dev thread

nah, I’m wondering why there are 28 deaths and only 17 kills

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ah, yes they were some OP trees

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is the RWR correct? Not having digital RWR in ARH era is impossible

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Considering the f4f before it somehow has a better rwr, it seems placeholder.


it has the wrong one, should have the same one as the F4F before it

To my knowledge the RWR got updated once more, though it was only an improved version of the same RWR.

Reminder that F-4F ICE isn’t allowed IRCCM missiles or better Mavericks… meanwhile France is getting 6x65D on the F-16AM that Netherlands had only leased from the USAF during their operations in Yugoslavia (making it pretty similar to the AIM-9J’s case on the F-4F).

Pretty cringe.


Both of those get aim9m though…

Does the ICE have IFF or not, can someone check?

at least in air rb it does. idk about sim.

To be honest I had slightly higher hopes for the ICE
At very least 9Li’s but I guess not

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The Belgian f16 gets aim9m at 12.0 but the f4f ice is at 12.7 with 9l? Just noticed that.


No difference

Is this new?

I think that’s the correct front cockpit

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thats not an ICE


How many AGM 65s should the ice be able to carry? And what about the normal f-4f?

6 theoretically though no evidence of mounting more than 2, for both.


Sadly German MOD never purchased the tri rail?

And guess what else:

The F-4F currently in the game carried the AIM-9L, yet ingame it only gets the AIM-9J, which Germany never used.

And the F-4F Peace Rhine carried the IRIS-T, but ingame it only gets the AIM-9L, because the US and RU have no equivalent to the IRIS-T.