F-4F KWS LV dev thread

I agree, 12.7 is fair if the ICE gets AIM-9L(I)-1s, AND IT SHOULD. Without them, though, it’s 12.3 at best (and that’s a stretch) being essentially just an EJ Kai with worse radar but AIM-120.


Dude, this is awful. Just watched somebody play it.
I honestly don’t know how to make this plane work at 12.7. It doesn’t even have AIM-9L/(I)s.
If this plane gets shipped to live as is, I’m just switching to another tree.

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F-14Bs have a BR of 12.0 and nothing happens. Not saying that AIM-54s are comparable with 120A or F4F ICE should be at 12.0, but what damage could a jet with a Fox3 that has a better maneuverbility and shorter range, and with MUCH worser flight performance and MUCH less countermeasures do to the air RB environment? Maybe not 12.0, but 12.3 is truly acceptable.


well if it have no mag D/G its even harder to place the aircraft. a very low br due to 2 agm? then everyone gets a 120a on spawn. high br? then its going to be a dessert for all top-tier spaas

Hence why AIM-120Bs should be available instead of/ in addition to 120As


I would def. Appreciate it when gaijin adds the damn 9L-i to it…like.
Being 12.7 makes it already the worst Fox3 Plattform and on top its the only plane at this br with no IRCCM missiles…

This is a joke

yes, the advanced seekers we are talking about^^

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Why it uses 120A? Isn’t 120A more used in the test phrase of the ICE program? When all KWS LV finished the upgrade, it’s already 1997, and at this time 120B is in production.


Fortunately, the only difference between AMRAAM A and B is the EEPROM upgrade, so flight performance is virtually identical.


They need to give in 9Li


It’s only better in speed….

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Very disappointing to be honest…

But it was to be expected. Just like the Peace Rhine currently in the game was denied its historical IR missile loadout, so is the ICE…


It has awful flight performance for 12.7 even an SU-27 could out maneuver it

Me to bro like at least throw us a bone here gajin for Germany. LIKE THEY HAVENT EVEN GIVIN GERMANY THE REST OF EAST GERMANY GROUND!! all we have is two tanks for east Germany?!?


Yup, still wondering why people get so upset at them being added(hint it’s because when US/RU vehicles are added to Germany certain players get very angry)

Can this thing at least get the A-10 treatment and get better weapons since it’s on a outdated platform that will have to see things much more advanced?


F4f in its current state at it’s current br will go down due to poor performance just like the f4f did when it was overtiered for so long. idk why they either didnt give it an irccm missile or put it at a more reasonable br.

Man im crazy but i wanna see IRIS-T on it at 13.0





Did everyone crash or something?

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nah, just 2 lucky Aim-9L