F-4F KWS LV dev thread

Oh boi

Except ASRAAM (Tornado) none of those come on 3rd gen platforms like the F-4F is, and IRIS-T is more disadvantaged on F-4F than ASRAAM on Tornado (dogfight missile on bad platform with no HMD and only 40° seeker angle vs longer range missile)

No, they cant. 50-70 km is their maximum range, their effective range when engaging other air targets is MUCH lower the same way R-60 and AIM-9L are no 10 km and 18 km missiles. Also ASRAAM does not have a datalink

You do know that IRIS-T is the ONLY AAM that is marketed with the capability of integrating with MAWS and shooting down enemy missiles?

Radar X-ray model should be correct now, it uses the same model like AV-8B+ in the newest dev server.

I hardlock them sometimes to make sure my missile hits, for low alt shots or dogfights I do it almost every time. In other cases I just guide them by TWS.

I recommend counter-launches with FOX3 to keep your enemy defensive aswell as manual missile lofting. Ah and in 1v1 engagements you have to keep it high speed until close range where you have 1 good turn in one circle (mainly because your enemy wont slow down as quick as you). Also remember that your flaps are fully automatic so try setting them up to “landing” before dogfight just so they could autodeploy at specific speeds. Also try using “dogfight” ACM mode for the radar which helps a lot if you lack AoA for that missile lock.

Python 5 and MICA-IR also have that

and you have a source as well?

I’d have to ask for DMM (MAWS) MICA slaving because I dont have it on hand but for Python 5 its a bit tricky because of lack of direct proof and by the fact that every source is in hebrew.

Keep in mind that IRIS-T is a widely advertised missile for export so its easier to find such information

Yes it does. A cursory look through MBDA’s online brochure of the ASRAAM shows it has datalink.

Python 5 uses a laser proximity fuze, seems unlikely it could proxy on small objects like missiles, and direct hits are iffy. MICA should be able to, if it can turn hard enough

Where? Certainly not here…
… nor here

LOAL through sensors such as radars… = datalink.

LOAL through sensors such as radar = INS

LOAL via Datalink


A missile that only has INS and no datalink would still be LOBL. Datalink allows for it to be LOAL.

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Python 5 is used by SPYDER platforms already and thats meant to destroy missiles, jets and other fast moving targets.

I thought IRIS-T had a 90 degree seeker gimbal?

no, if it has to turn further than its seeker angle allows (like for over the sholder shots), it has to lock on after launch (LOAL), but that can be done with INS as well.
LOAL does not imply datalink

as in, cueing on targets detected by other planes. IRIS-T has the exact same capability and surely you arent implying it also has a full on datalink?

Fact is, EVERY other missile by MBDA that has a datalink has this explicitly stated in the brochure, ASRAAM does NOT.








This F-35 thing mentioning datalink for both Meteor and Spear, but not ASRAAM

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According to this article, the SPYDER required upgrades to the DERBY LR just to engage ballistic missiles, and those are much larger and on more predictable flight paths than AAMs

It does, but the F-4F does not have the digital bus to actually use it. It uses the analogue SEAM mode from the AIM-9L, which limits it to 40° until lock on. Afterwards it unlocked and can use the full gimbal range

Well, consider me corrected.

Regardless of how weak the platform is it’s still not fair for only one nation to get IIR missiles. As a reminder there was a point when even after supersonic jets were added the Hunter F.6 was still statistically the best jet in the game because of how OP SRAAMs were. An F-4 with IRIS-T would be like that.

Point still stands that ASRAAM and MICA will significantly outrange all other IIR missiles.

Every missile is capable of locking onto and destroying other missiles in game, so that’s hardly a selling point.


I didnt say ballistic missiles tho? I meant air launched air to ground munitions.

wouldnt you be able to override this by radar slaving?