F-4F KWS LV dev thread

Fair i just think they may have R74 but im not sure if is IIR

I think the Bison is overtiered tbh, should be 11.7 max. France has Magic IIs with IRCCM identical to the R-73 all the way at 11.3, along with 530 supers, all on a really good platform at least comparable to the MiG-21

R-74M2 is their first IIR AAM, and its like, their newest one theyre developing to be used alongside the Su-57

I took a look at the evidence posted in the acknowledged issue for the case of AGM-65Ds, but aside from some text saying that Germany intends to purchase and use AGM-65Ds around the time of the ICE upgrade, none of the photos clearly showcases the F-4F carrying it. Hell, one is even an (obscured) AGM-65B! IDK about the rest, but does the AGM-65D still have ‘Scene Mag’ written on it’s side? I could almost swear seeing ‘Laser’ in some pictures online; but that’s only by virtue of the blurry disposable-nikon-shot photo of the text seemingly being one word instead of two.

I will never forgive the photographers for having a clear shot at the EXPO info dump panel and never bothering to photo it for posterity.


i do you think about sea harrier fa2’s BR ?12.3 is a little high to it as it can only pull out 6G max at 5000m which it’s too poor at this br

Bruh R-73 has its equivalent already, 9M is better in most situations then R-73, stop coping

It will NOT be fine at 12.7. It performs too poorly for that.
As a rule of thumb, anywhere higher or equal to the F-15A is too high.

The AIM-2000 would be ridiculously unfair because there’s absolutely nothing you can do to counter it, other than staying more than ~12KM away, going cold, afterburning, and hoping it doesn’t catch you.
The KWS-LV is terrible—there’s no denying that. But equipping it with four extremely overpowered missiles isn’t the solution. This won’t even properly address the problem and will absolutely ruin ARB, making it completely unplayable. And that’s saying something.

It’s crucial to emphasize that the missile’s effectiveness hinges on a significant factor - the rather questionable competency of the average ARB pilot. Give them a pen and paper, and they’d likely end up making it a hazard. Despite nearly a year of AIM-9M/R-73s/Magic 2s dominating the meta, they still haven’t quite grasped how to effectively counter them.
The AIM-9(I)-1, while possessing some capability, remains inherently inferior in terms of kinematics and overall performance. It lacks features like TVC, smokeless engine, and generally performs subpar when pitted against other IRCCM missiles.

Are Devs already looking at other planes with 9Li or should we start making reports?

IDK if anyone is still asking about this, but I found some anecdotes pertaining to the non-existence of the 4x maverick mount (big sadge). It’s in German and I could catch the gist of it, but maybe someone who is actually competent with the language could verify (not that its outright proof, per gajin’s terms)

Screenshot 2024-06-05 151246

Also, found some further (still anecdotal) info as to this ‘HUD’ for the F4F ICE

Soooo… it doesn’t really seem to have changed much; just added a cross element that showed distance (to what?) and flashed when in range. Well, that and being able to record the HUD data.

Again, these are all anecdotal.

BUT on the plus(?) side, I found some info that points that both F-4F and F-4F ICE also mounted AGM 65 As


Yes. After playing it since dev server opened I can say that it’s very much competitive in BVR. WVR is a problem but incredible angles of ACM mode help you with slaving AIM-120 or AIM-9 shots. The only true downside that affects both BVR and WVR is not much countermeasures (only 90).



have you found an effective way to make AMRAAM not kill you in BVR?

no amount of chaffs and hiding behind mountains was able to do that for me while I spaded it on the dev server

Best way would be to counter-lauch your FOX3 then notch or turn cold (combined with chaffing) if you still have time for that. This way enemy will have to take the same measures to not get killed. He would have to break a hard lock so his missile will rely only on its own radar making it easier to defeat.

You can also try bleeding the missile out of energy by going low or by changing directions.

Yeah, competitive against bots and players that don’t know how to counter the Fox-3s yet.
I got 6 to 8 kill games with the F-4F on the Dev Server, but that is not hard if all your enemies are literal bots.
The players will learn (or just play as they already do with multipathing; flying on the deck) and then the F-4F ICE will fall back really really fast.


we both got 2 player kills

Also you can semi-counter multipath by simply manually lofting your missiles

Because as german mains, some of you don’t understand things once more. IRIS-T is one of the latest generation of Imaging InfraRed missiles meaning if these get added you’ll see AIM9-X, Python 5, MICA IR, ASRAAM, AAM5 and PL10 come to the game except that IRIS-T will bring you no advantage as it range goes from 25 to 35 km at best. Of course you wouldn’t need to fear first iterations of AIM9X, the PL10, the AAM5 or the Python 5 as they are in the same group of ranges. But ASRAAM and MICA IR can engage between 50 and 70 km and can be inertially guided to your position through datalink provided by radar meaning these 2 missiles will have significant advantage over you also these missiles being IR missiles they won’t suffer from multipath and will resist all types of countermeasures the game currently has because they recognize the shape of a plane and not just it’s engine signature. Which would make them impossible to flare with current flares. Meaning you’d get shot silently at dozens of kilometers by unflarable IR missiles that don’t suffer you flying low. So if you want to continue your complaining go ahead but just know asking for IRIS-T is sealing Germany’s fate as a dead nation.

Yeah, me too. All I’m saying is that in all player lobbies it will be different. Players will learn and end up in a furball anyways. In which the Phantom has no chance.

The players I got with the AIM-120 just did not do anything. Didn’t notch, didn’t chaff, nothing. They just flew right into the missile.
They all have RWRs with Launch warnings. And I never hard locked them so they should have known that a missiles is incoming from the moment it went off the rail and pitbull.

Simply dont enter the furball? or zoom right thru it