F-22 Raptor

tbh they should focus on NGAD and let the old dinosaur rest now

Who you calling dinosaur? Its only 20 years old.

F-22 is fabolous and still top dawg.


Old dinosaur would be the F-16, anyway. Granny plane that still kicks ass.

Dinosaur cuz its called the raptor (which is a dinosaur lol)

Large birds of prey are also referred to as “Raptors” too, you know.

And F-15, both grannies still kicking asses.


Fair enough, lol.

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Current F-22 is able to carry 14 AIM-120s

I would say he modeled the air inlet quite accurate, it also shown the radar blocker

The author of the study does not know what shape the radar blocker is at what distance it stands from the engine blades and at what angle. All this research can be thrown in the trash

That isn’t true actually. He doesn’t need to know the distance between the radar blocker and the engine blade since it is supposed to block the radar wave from reaching the engine blades. Besides, as long as the gap between the blocker shape is less than half wavelength of the specific frequency, it will behave like a filled screen (the same wave the metal mesh in your microwave oven would block the microwave from hitting your face). The only thing only matter is the angle of the radar blocker, however, even that is not super important since as long as the blocker is at an angle (which it is from his diagram), then the reflection will hit the inlet wall multiple times and get absorbed by the RAM inside the inlet wall.

This is important

loads 12 gauge say that again.

haha jokes on you i got an RMK-30mm pointed right at ya

Gets ac-130 assistance.
Calls in artillery.
Gets a f22.
Gets a f35.
Pulls out a .50 beauwolf.

Launched Satan-2 Nuclear ballistic missile

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The shape of the intake and ram materials used on said intake are not correct. The radar blocker shape is unknown, the test is not worth its salt.

The shape of the intake and ram materials used on said intake are not correct. The radar blocker shape is unknown, the test is not worth its salt.

The shape of the inlet is 99% to the real thing even if it is not 100% correct. The RAM material is not supposed to be the exact one used on Su-57 (since it is obviously impossible to know that), but the RAM material used is the same between Rafale/F-35/J-20 and Su-57 simulation. For the purpose of finding out which aircraft have better shape for stealth , that is as good as it can get in public sector

The exact shape of the radar blocker is not as important as you think it is, consider that the blocker in the simulation is at an angle with the inlet wall, it will cause all radar wave enter the inlet to bounce multiple times. This is a unique interaction of cavity reflection (outer fuselage does not benefit from this) . With RAM on inlet wall, the interaction can make the strength of return signal reduced by 50 dB (100,000 times).

the simulation also simulate RCS at lower frequency range where radar wave can’t enter the inlet cavity due to wavelength

Basic shape, parts, etc are wrong so no. Might as well be less than 10% accurate.

His research is not correct, he has forgotten a few details

I would love to see the raptor in the game. There’s plenty of aircraft and variants to lead up to it though so it may take a long time. With that being said I think they will start with the F-117. For it to be useful though i believe it should be spawned at a great altitude. Even with stealth someone is gonna see it eventually and with it having zero air to air capabilities. The high altitude is needed to stay away from the eyes of fighters for at least long enough to be useful. They didn’t have a radar so they had (i say again) ZERO AIR TO AIR CAPABILITIES. With that being said it had an Infra Red Acquisition and Designation System (IRADS) for ground pounding.