F-16C Block 50: The More The Merrier!

I’m not an idiot, but it has got like 6/8 so far and I literally used it to predict the F-16C was coming this patch, I’d bet you money the MiG-29SMT (9.19) is coming this patch


Well we’ll have to wait and see.

Mig-23 isn’t getting R-73s.
Mig-29 will get R-73s when 12.3 comes.
Su-27 is 12.3 or 12.7.

MLD had them, and should have them.

Why give the MiG-23MLD a already solid vehicle R-73s and increase its Battle Rating? It’s already fine alone and should be left at its current BR.

MLD is going back to rank 7 & it being 11.3 matters more than it having R-73s & going to 11.7 or 12.0.

I think it’s competitive at 11.7 if it gets R-73’s and R-24’s. Loved playing it, have a good record too. But I can appreciate it being 11.3, still would love to see it though.

With future Battle Rating decompression this could easily go to 12.0 and end up fighting 13.0 vehicles like the Sea Harrier FA.2 or F-4F Ice (in the future of course, just an estimation) and that wouldn’t make for a enjoyable experience.

For who? ICE with AMRAAM’s would be a problem, but the Harrier?

Also, MiG-23MLD Obr. 1998 would have R77 capability, and a new radar with a few other changes, which would be as realistic in the game as the Yak-141.

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Lets go back on topic or end the conversation here. I understand where you’re coming from but this isn’t the place for it.

K9 VIDAR today

i wonder if the block 50 has ADF variant who knows

the ADF was the only ADF, future F16s just had the capability for sparrows or amraam stock

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For US tech tree Gaijin choose to correct their fault by changing the block name instead of cut of the missile.
But for other tech tree like Chinese one they choose to simply delete the missile instead of changing the version of the aircraft. One typical example is J8F, they could have change the J8F to J8H to give chance to use PL11 but they don’t, they’d rather choose to delete the PL11 and make the aircraft almost unable to play its BR.
I believe the Israel tech tree faced the same problem.
What a good prejudice Gaijin :)


When is this going live ? next week ?

3rd or 4th week of sep i think. Something like the 20th ish of the month is fairly normal (i think)

I believe it is not difficult for the development team to add J8H, IS IT? It only takes a new paint and a corresponding PL11 without even a new model to develop the excellent ability for less than an afternoon, RIGHT ?

Last 4 september updates were between 2nd to 14th day.

My question is what kind of AIM-7 will be added to the F-16C? If its not going to be a AIM-7P it will be kind of a let down… On the other hand why are they not specifying what kind of AIM-7 that will be added to this new aircraft? Also I heard that the block 50 never had the capability to carry AIM-7s since the AIM-120s took over that job… smells kinda fishy…

The capability for Sparrows was only ever refitted to client nation airframes at their request, and was only ever incorporated by those that couldn’t acquire AMRAAMs, let alone the fact that the Block 50 we’re getting is from at least 2010 and Sparrows were well out of inventory, the capability to have been refitted exists but the timelines don’t match.