F-16C Block 50: The More The Merrier!

No, but like the US, they don’t NEED another top tier

For a short period of time they gained access to those missiles on Kurnass2k, sadly it was removed cause it wasnt historical.

Hey but at least they will get permanently after the uptade.

The weight difference wont matter since the plane with less fuel will weight much less. It take a better engine and some extra weight any day

Can you use the Litening II pod to lock targets for the Mavericks?

Yes, but they still won’t track until 4km
(Track moving targets)

As for this addition. Very unneeded compared to other nations. Strange addition if TTs like Sweden, UK, Israel get nothing this patch

I hope we’ll get something interesting for top tier ground as well

Israel should get it too. I’d also be shocked if Sweden and UK didn’t get the Grippen this patch without at least the 9Ls. Japan and Israel should also get their F-15s with the US soon too.

(Technically, this is the US’ first AMRAAM capable aircraft in game I think)

F-2A is Block 60 equivalent, and I support F-2 before Block 60 F-16. :)
Rafale is reduced visibility, but a Magic 2 only Rafale I wouldn’t oppose.

Need the aircraft prepped for it.
Weapons will come when most tech trees can get them.

With only 9Ls it’s legit just an F-16A in capabilities.


AGM-65Ds track from 10km, AGM-65A/B track from 5km

Nice. So are you announcing Su-27 tomorrow, or what?

And R-73 to MiG-23 and MiG-29 when?

I didn’t know that, thank you

Can someone explain to me why some ppl would rather have a block 30? Just gaijin bots that want a longer grind and more vehicles to buy talisman for?

I wonder gajin might consider change Block number from F-16C Block 50 to F-16CG Block 40 ? 🤔

What’s the difference?

Oh no … just give the Block 50 and spare us another C variant to grind ;b


Of what has been shown, and the ordnance that it is likely to implemented; is a worse TGP (LANTIRN vs LITENING / SNIPER).

The other things would be advanced standoff ordnance like the AGM-154 JSOW , AGM-158 JASSM , CBU-105 etc. in that way a Block 40 is much more reasonable while leaving room for ordnance growth at a higher BR.

Zero evidence but ok.

There’s a leak list that’s correctly predicted 5 of the devblogs so far and I predicted the F-16C yesterday using it because it has the 9.19 on it, it isn’t proof of anything but it’s decent enough case taking into account the F-16C that a MiG-29SMT is coming

Edit: here’s my evidence

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Never trust leak lists, just because a vehicle is predicted on it doesn’t mean the leak list itself is legit.

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