F-16C Block 50: The More The Merrier!

No offense but F-4E would be better off without 9L
Such missiles would cause it to get higher BR and with non-PD radar it will make it kind of useless in top tier


will we see a HMD sight for the F-16C block 50?
It has that feature in real life

edit: @FirstDagger sorry for pinging you, wrong reply :(


Hope so, from the armament (early F-16CJ Block 50 didn’t allow for TGP) and livery this basically is the same Block as the DCS F-16CM Block 50 Viper and she has JHMCS.

it late block 50s. F-16CM Block 50.

Make me wonder what AIM-7 it will get 7P?
Since 7M kinda suck compare to R-27ER
Because if it still use 7M there is nothing special about this apart from CAS abilities


AIM-7s for it are wrong from the get to, the new radar of the Block 50 F-16s is missing the CW illuminator wich is a needed part for a radar to use AIM-7 missiles

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Well i know it wrong it should get AIM 120 instead but since gaijin declared it too advanced (again) then it should get better AIM-7

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Not needed, later aim-7F can be illuminated by Pulse Doppler, tested as well. AIM-7M should be able too.

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it was able to guide aim 7’s

J8F Lost the Aspide and Kurnass 2000 lost the AIM-7F for the exact same reason so it’s probably getting corrected


if they really wanna push it out with AIM-7 im hoping for AIM-7MH/P blk 2

pretty sure the MH is a navy missile

i know it is, its just not very different to 7p blk 2 thats why i treat them as one missile

The F16C block50 cannot launch sparrows, and the US Air Force’s F16C block50 has not been equipped with sparrows; This is just like J-8F cannot be equipped with PL-11, we must request F16C block50 to remove the configuration of Sparrow and provide it with a 6 * 9M mounting plan until the arrival of AIM120; If gaijin insists on adding AIM7 to F16C, I think we should also let J8F get PL11, otherwise it would be absolutely unfair!


I am talking about your demand for a Block 40. If we got that instead of Block 50, then we would need to get Block 50 at a later point, which would be an additional F16 to grind. Most people really wouldn’t want that.

For your information, APG-68 can indeed guide later aim-7F variants and maybe 7m. This is just Gaijin holding it back until the arrival of AMRAAM.


very unspecific to call it APG-68 since Block 50/52 gets V5
and APG-68 has like 7 or 8 modifications

(and the pic the F16 fires a magic)


it mean that APG-68 and later variant can indeed guide AIM-7

Those who can’t fire SARH gets AIM7,
those who can fire ARH don’t even get an Aspide.
Nice double standard, Gaijin.


The Block 50’s can’t in their introductory US config, they began production in October '91, Sparrow refit capability was certified mid '92.

F-16 AIM-7 timeline