F-16 have worse radar then kfir and worse aam (i know that aim-120a is better for bvr and that derby is better for dog fighting) but thats the point f-16 cannot do bvr in top tier u cannot compare f-15e in everything (Engine power arsenal and radar) so that means u are forced to go deck and do dog fights but u dont have good aam aim-120 compare to derby is shit and aim-9m is good but it isnt r-73 and a big disadvantage is that u dont have hms and u fight eurofighters and rafales and i almost forgot u have only 45 countermeasures.
So i dont see any reason that f-16a ocu is 13.7
and one more thing about kfir if you get a downtier you are fighting against planes that don’t have fox-3 and even if you get an uptier you can still compare yourself to other planes
airframe is the only thing that is better but for dog fight derbys are better than aim 120 and like f16 ocu can do bvr it isnt imposible but u 45 chaffs… and f15e competition is just ahh
F-14A IRIAF is 13.0 currently, so it won’t see planes with a rating of 14.3-14.7 if they come out or decompression happens.
while F-16A OCU is 13.7 currently, so it will see planes on 14.3-14.7 even if decompression happens.
so, bringing F-14A IRIAF on F-16A OCU problem is off-topic.
As a 140% joke, F-14A IRIAF has 25% extra Countermeasures than F-16A OCU with two step lower BR.