F-16A OCU why it have br 13.7?

JF-17, Su-33, Mig-29SMT, and the F-16D are the only 13.3 planes.

and JF-17/F-16 Barak

F-16D is better than the OCU. Sidegrade in FM, far more countermeasures, Radar HMD.

I’d take the F-16D/JF-17 over the F-16A OCU.
(F-16D should be 13.7)

The F-16 OCU is notably inferior to every other 13.7 F-16, and its solely because of Gaijin. It has less countermeasures than all other F-16s despite the bug reports being for it to have more, in A2G it is missing armament such as inner pylon GBUs & AGM-65G, it has a worse targeting pod than all other 13.7 F-16s, it’s fictitious HMD can’t slave the radar, and the one advantaged it might have in inner-pylon AGM-65s is blocked from being used with the lau-88s by Gaijin for some reason. It is actually just worse than all other F-16s at the BR, and possibly worst of all this whole situation is avoidable.

Neither the HMD nor the Radar is historical- irl there is no such thing as “APG-66S”: Thai F-16A OCUs do not have AMRAAM capability and simply should have been added at 13.0 without it, where they would be more comparable to planes like the Netz. But instead, we get this mess. (They even took a bug report on this like 2 months ago, lol Community Bug Reporting System)

The only Thai F-16 that should be 13.7 (or even 14.0) is the Thai F-16A (e)MLU, which w don’t have yet in game.

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how is that a sidegrade FM

F-16A OCU should not be lowered, but it is also not on par in any fashion to the other 13.7 f-16s.
it is currently just an example of how BR compression can fuck up a plane

Better acceleration and it only loses about 2% on turn performance to a block15 when compared clean/no loadout. With missiles the extra power is even more handy.

Don’t forget that the F-16D is not heavier than the US block50, but actually a little bit lighter.

Simply remove the ahistorical HMD & AMRAAM and move it to 13.0. It would be nice to have its A2G armament & CM count issues fixed while we are at it, but that set of changes alone would make it much more balanced.

The OCU was never supposed to be the high end F-16, that should be the (e)MLU.

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I agree with you; I am just saying that the reason the OCU hasn’t been moved down in comparison to say, an F16C, is because of BR compression, and that if the BRs were decompressed even in its current messed up state it could at least be balanced.

Personally, I’d argue the Su-34 is still superior in A2A given the higher missile count, superior radar, option to carry R-27ET & much more preferable CM count (obviously its also better in A2G). Gaijin giving the F-16 OCU an ahistorical HMD for IR aams has made the two closer, but still. the OCU could probably drop to 13.3 in it’s current config, though that’s treading a dangerous line and I would much rather see the amraam removed.

yeah, I think that the Su-34 should be moved up, not the OCU moved down. The answer to compression is not more compression, even though the OCU does really need a buff.

I don’t, it’s overrated from what I see

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well, I don’t think it should be moved up alone, it should be moved up with a bunch of other vehicles if decompression comes.

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And now imagine F-104S.ASA getting uptiered to your IRIAF with RWR which doesn’t even show direction.


Draken vs IRIAF was the funniest shit ever, they don’t even get an RWR-


“Just look at RWR and notch it! It seems that you are Skilless zomber!”

Was what they said. XD

It performs better in terms of CAS (4x AIM120 / 2x AIM120 + AIM-9M * 6x Mav + 2x GBU-12), but with a worse targeting pod, worse airframe.

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agreed, it’d be amazing at CAS w/ a slightly lower Ground BR, and still be sort of competitive in 13.0 Air

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Also, if they allowed it the 8x maverick loadout instead of arbitrarily preventing it, it would truly be a standout 13.0.

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