F-16A MLU missing countermeasures

I was just playing the F-16A MLU in the Chinese tech tree and noticed it only has 60 countermeasures when it used to have 90.

The model still has the 3 dispensers so it should have 90 right?

I was just wondering if this is a bug or if they removed the 30 on purpose


Its supposed to have 120 irl lul
No clue why they took some off

cant believe it still has 60

yea but it used to have 90 but now it has 60 which i find weird, but the other F-16A MLU gets the full 120

It seems that this is never going to get fixed. The incompetents at the bug report site claim that it’ “not a bug” as they do most of the time, when presented with a bug.

Gaijin should just clean house out of those “moderators”.

Gaijin isn’t interested in fixing it at all, we now have 2 other F-16 blk15 MLU/OCUs in the game, both modelled with their correct weaponry and are playable, the Taiwanese MLU hasn’t been playable since the flanker/F15 came out

Alot of f16a are missing countermeasures and gajin isn’t going to change it bcs they really dont care about older aircaft in game