F-16 Fighting Falcon: History, Performance & Discussion

Its a basic capability of the F-16.


even better

Also, asorted US HMD characteristics (including many prototype systems) can be found in;

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Strange that the devs only list it as “HMS” in X-Ray, whereas all Radar slaving planes have “HMD” instead. I can gather some screen grabs tonight, but I am way out of my league to make a coherent bug report.

I’ve written up a report for the GBU-39/A (and included evidence for the GBU-39A/A, -53 & AGM-187A) for the F-16C-50


and separately the A-10C as well


They have both been accepted.


Same link

Should be fixed now.

Well, it has been submitted, considering that we’re still waiting on the PIDSU+ for the US F-16C & AGM-65F for the A-7E, and GPU-5/A & AGM-119 for the F-16A-10 I don’t really have all too high hopes that it will be actioned in a reasonable timeframe, but there is still a chance.


Bug Reports for missing PGU-28A/B SAPHEI Belt



On dev, F-16AM is unable to use PIDS+ pylons with GBU-39 and all other JDAMs. My understanding is PIDS+ is for all A2G ordinance correct?

It should be, according to the bug report and info from manufacturer.

Apparently they can be used for missiles too.

Anyone can bump in the F-16AM MAW Pylon cannot mount IR/Radar Missile?

Looks like the M2KD RMV coming to France is getting the Scorpion HMD from the A-10C, which also means its getting SADL despite the F-16C bug report still being denied…

They might only be giving SADL as part of the Scorpion HMD to ground attack aircrafts though, seeing as the RMV is rather limited in its air to air capabilities to my understanding.

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Its in “suggestion” form


Yeah someone mentioned its been changed, thats good news!

They will probably add those on another f16, they often limit the vehicles’s original characteristics and then release other variants with them to keep people grinding. But who knows? Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

I mean… I could be wrong, but its likely very VERY easy to implement. The code for the function already exists on the A-10C’s HMD in-game, theoretically they’d just need to copy paste the missing section of code.

Could also be wrong and its more complex, but I have a suspicion its more of a balance thing than a implementation thing.

btw, some F-16s are flying with same HMD as A-10C

Ik but there are stuff that are missing for many vehicles that are easy to implement but yet they refuse to, they usually give the “balance” excuse, my favorite example is the IR missiles:

F14A still have 9Hs when it should have 9Ls
F14B still have 9Ls when it should have 9Ms
F16A still have 9Ls when it should have 9Ms
MIG29 still have r60s when it should have R73s

Ironically it would be even better for balance because they would probably need to raise their BRs, saving 3rd gen aircraft from facing them… The only reason i can imagine for that is extending the grind.


From what I understand “SADL” is/was a US AF-only system for A-10 and F-16C and some non-fighter platforms (I.e. even F-15E was/is not compatible with it).

Not sure if Mirage 2000D RMV had a similar datalink system for communication with ground units …


A quick google search suggests that it has Link 16, and if so one could assume that it has such capability when paired with Scorpion HMD which we know has the ability to show friendly units on other platforms such as A-10C.

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Hey @WaretaGarasu can you bump these report to the developer? It would be delightful if you could. F-16AM is needed a some love to make it relevance in the Benelux Sub Tech Tree.