F-16 Fighting Falcon: History, Performance & Discussion

Hello. HMD is bumped, I’ll get around PIDS report tonight.

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I made a report about the F-16AM RWR display being wrong.
The current RWR has a strange IP-1310 display that doesn’t even show the grid, but if this report passes it will be changed to a different display than the F-16s in other countries.



Can this serve as proof that all F-16s can mount JDAMs on inboard pylons?


It’s more than just the JDAM, the BRU-61 (GBU-39/A), AGM-65 (LAU-117) and other stores that require -1760 wiring for example would also be theoretically possible.

Though a potential response is that the Blocks implemented in game that can mount them do not do so in service due to the semi-permanent presence of Fuel tanks on those stations since they don’t have the CFTs that are an option to extend the range.

It should also additionally support a few other reports like this one;


I’m sure there are others.

Pls Gaijin buff the F-16AM, I really wish I can carry the PIDS with AMRAAM.

They supposedly fixed the issue with trying to lock targets at high angles not working;


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This happened to me today in Tornado F.3 ADV, hopefully it will be global fix and not per aircraft’s radar.

I’ll forward to a tech mod that this is an issue and see if they want a report or if they can inform the devs internally.

What is up with the new Thai F-16A, because ive never heard of an APG-66S radar

Also, im still not sure if the OCU program actually gave upgrades to the APG-66 radar to fire Aim-120s. A lot of conflicting info im finding.


And also, this Doc is free for distribution.


Do you have the F-16A OCU? I want to confirm the bug with APG-66S not being identified on RWR and not triggering SARH launch warnings.
Bug Report: Su-33 and F-16A OCU are not identified on RWR and their launches do not trigger a warning.

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Not yet, still researching the 2nd alpha jet.

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gaijin might be making issue, like with Baz Meshupar


Looks like it, plus they didnt even get the Countermeasure count the same. Like Why is it the ONLY F-16 in the game with 15 large caliber flares And its supposed to have 4 dispensers not 2.

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Wonder if we could get an event variant F-16 with some experimental ordnance and pylon options like this one;


Scorpion HMD for F-16C Block 50


@k_stepanovich Can you take a look please?

Please don’t tag developers to forward your reports.


@Gunjob @InterFleet

APG-68 (& APG-66) incorrect number of datalink channels


Usaf site is not a source now?

Yeah apparently not lol … what a joke …

USAF Pilot and the commander of the unit in charge of the air defense of the US capital region, screams on the official USAF website that “I could only fire on two targets with the APG-68 due to bandwidth saturation”

Gaijin is like “Nah, not a bug”

@Smin1080p_WT Could we get some “escalation” over here please (https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/4UaIpjjUKRtR)

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