F-16 Fighting Falcon: History, Performance & Discussion

Yeah To deploy Active radar homing missiles


While this document is for APG-83, I think it would make sense to make all PESA and AESA radars in the game behave similarly unless there are documents to prove otherwise for that specific radar set. (Since this capability is a result of the electronic beam steering which is inherently much quicker than mechanical steering).

According to this brochure from Lockheed Martin, APG-83 can keep tracking and updating the TWS tracks, even after they leave the designated scan pattern (as long as they stay within the reach of the electronic beam steering):


Also it appears that the APG-68 they are refering to is the first version of the APG-68 in game we have the V5 and V7 so theres probably more improvements that were made to the radar to track more targets.

The Doc is from 1984

You don’t shoot at everything you see

Situational awareness is not necessarily for weapon employment against all available targets.

And that is very obvious.
Weapon employment requires higher quality tracks, and you can do a much more limited number of those. (since you have to update them more often)
And there is also a limitation in terms of datalink channels.

NVM, I was wrong about APG-66 tracking more than 10 targets in TWS.

Unless I am misremembering what the lines meant (or misunderstood them in the past), APG-63/65/66/68 (63PSP is 4, Baz is 10) all seem to have a limit of 10 targets tracked in TWS (alongside N019 and N001 variants):

AN/AWG-9 can track up to 24.

Interestingly, N010 and N010M can track up to 20.


Afaik it should be 10 too.

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Where is this from?

Rosoboronexport catalogue.

Also this brochure states 10 too


Well yeah but the fire controller on the radar can put up to 10 targets in TWS mode for AMRAAM deployment.

Tracking 10 targets in TWS does not automatically mean you can guide missiles at all of them. This is because you need accurate enough data for each target, ability to compute the required data link info for transmission, send that data to each missile (make sure they receive the data and that the data received belongs to each missile). All that has to be done while already doing other TWS stuff with a single antennae. Also, why do you need more that 6 for APG-68, you don’t even have that many missiles?

Here is the limitation of 1-2 missiles for N001VEP from the manufacturer’s website:

10 tracked, 1 targeted, can be increased to 2.

Here is a snippet from Forecast International (I know, secondary source, but using this to show you that data link limitation is a thing that exists. You can probably find more yourself with a deeper search.)

In any case, if you want to prove that APG-66/68 (or any other radar) can send info to more missiles with datalink, you will need to find a source that explicitly states that. Just “can track x targets” does not automatically imply it can guide missiles at all of them.


There is no difference in waveform between TWS and Missile guidance for the APG-68.


There is though, missile SARH guidance is done with HPRF modes only as that is the only one that can provide the required semi continuous or CWI (continuous wave, interrupted) signal.

LOL, bit of a stretch to say “@sudo_su1 is claiming”, when:


Don’t you think?!

I think you mean “Lt. Col. Michael Trujillo, District of Columbia ANG’s 113th Aerospace Control Alert Detachment commander, the unit responsible for the air defense of the national capital region”

What part of "(With the F-16’s previous APG-68 fire control radar), I had the ability to target up to two tracks, that’s it, At that point, my radar is completely saturated and has no more bandwidth. With the AESA radar, (without getting into) specific numbers, I can target more things than I can shoot.” don’t you understand?

Well, except that he’s not just a “random-ass pilot” but rather the commander of the unit responsible for the air defense of the US capital region.

Plus the interview is published on the official USAF website.

still a ramdom ass pilot lmao
war thunder never allowed pilot reports and never will, because of the appeal to authority fallacy

the guy doesnt even specify when he flew the F-16 nor what verson nor what version of the APG-68.

Yes, he doesn’t specify the aircraft’s tail number and paint condition either
Unless you have a source that there is a difference between various versions of the APG-68 in this regard
Not to mention that we have the V5 and V7 in the game anyways … Which are not the most advanced variants.

Plus, even if we concede that e.g. APG-68 V9, contrary to older APG-68 variants, has the ability to shoot at 6 targets simultaneously, then that would also imply that the much older APG-66 shouldn’t have the ability to shoot at 6 targets simultaneously either.

not in game so irrelevent