Ziggy and Mig-23M slap fighting each other through every thread, the rest of the WT community:
Station 5 is not a weapons hardpoint.
was on other F-16’s, just seems weird
Which F-16 can carry ordnance on its belly?
All of them can[Blk -1~10], [Blk-15], the centerline station(as with all of the others) uses a MAU-12C stores adapter, the only issue with the centerline is ground clearance so it can only take smaller dumb bombs(500lb class), like the Mk. 82 & subvariants (e.g. Snakeyes & Destructors[Airdropped mines], they may also have later had access to AIR’s as well) and dispensers(CBU-58, -87 & -99/-100) mounted directly to the station without a TER / MER adapter.
You will also see gunpods(GPU-5/A) and datalinks mounted there as well.
Does anyone know if the most common E-M charts one can find online about the F-16A are fully unclassified (or instead they are like those of the F-16C manual, that are published in the US but, in theory, shouldn’t be available in other countries?
They have already been posted on the forums F-16ADF/MLU flight model is wrong for no reason and have not been removed, but I wanted to ask just to be sure before using them
This ones:
those arent official graphs they are apart of a Northrop brochure meant to compare the F-5 or F-20 (I forgot which) to various other export aircraft of the time. Hence why those EM graphs have their info wrong a lot
The other guy that posted it said they were from this which is from GD.
oh right it was GD my bad
Another cover for those EM charts source (which are not classified btw).
If I’m not mistaken, that is a cover of a different document which I’m in possession of and happy to hand over. That document is made by Lockheed Martin.
I would be very interested to see if we have the same document, could you please DM it to me?
There are some discrepancies in supersonic SEP (especially the Ps=400 curve) between those block15 (pw220) EM charts. I’m not sure which one is correct.
How does the FOIA work in the US? Can a non-citizen use it (I guess not)? Is there a way to check if a document has been requested for release under FOIA?
I found a doc that talks about the HMCS and its usage to slave the radar (like the MiG-29 and F-4J can) on the F-16.
The docs containing HMCS operations I know of are the FACH 3 (it’s a Tape M4.3) and the MLU M3 pilot’s guide. Both are export restricted I think.
BTW the MLU we got in game is barely a Tape M2.
Yeah, I saw it in the MLU M3.
I already have a report up about it.
it uses
There’s another discrepancy. The EM chart of F-16A (with no blk info) and the blk15 FMS are exactly the same.

Edit: They both show an engine of PW220, so the former must be block 15 too.
- In SAC…for F-16A (block 1-10) with F100-PW-200 engine…there is no such schedule!.
- SAC for F-16A(Block 15) with F100-PW-200 engine…
So block15 with PW200, has a Ps=400 curve extending over mach 1.4 at 15,000ft according to SAC (GW=23,768 lbs), just like the PW220 graph from the Fighter Weapons Symposium. (GW=20,875 lbs)
The Basic Employment Manual (KAFTTP 3-3) however, has a Ps=400 curve not even exceeding mach 1.2. I’m confused.