F-16 Fighting Falcon: History, Performance & Discussion

Ziggy and Mig-23M slap fighting each other through every thread, the rest of the WT community:


Station 5 is not a weapons hardpoint.

was on other F-16’s, just seems weird

Which F-16 can carry ordnance on its belly?

All of them can[Blk -1~10], [Blk-15], the centerline station(as with all of the others) uses a MAU-12C stores adapter, the only issue with the centerline is ground clearance so it can only take smaller dumb bombs(500lb class), like the Mk. 82 & subvariants (e.g. Snakeyes & Destructors[Airdropped mines], they may also have later had access to AIR’s as well) and dispensers(CBU-58, -87 & -99/-100) mounted directly to the station without a TER / MER adapter.

You will also see gunpods(GPU-5/A) and datalinks mounted there as well.
80-609 GPU-5A


Does anyone know if the most common E-M charts one can find online about the F-16A are fully unclassified (or instead they are like those of the F-16C manual, that are published in the US but, in theory, shouldn’t be available in other countries?

They have already been posted on the forums F-16ADF/MLU flight model is wrong for no reason and have not been removed, but I wanted to ask just to be sure before using them

This ones:

those arent official graphs they are apart of a Northrop brochure meant to compare the F-5 or F-20 (I forgot which) to various other export aircraft of the time. Hence why those EM graphs have their info wrong a lot

The other guy that posted it said they were from this which is from GD.

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oh right it was GD my bad


Another cover for those EM charts source (which are not classified btw).

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If I’m not mistaken, that is a cover of a different document which I’m in possession of and happy to hand over. That document is made by Lockheed Martin.

I would be very interested to see if we have the same document, could you please DM it to me?

There are some discrepancies in supersonic SEP (especially the Ps=400 curve) between those block15 (pw220) EM charts. I’m not sure which one is correct.

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How does the FOIA work in the US? Can a non-citizen use it (I guess not)? Is there a way to check if a document has been requested for release under FOIA?

I found a doc that talks about the HMCS and its usage to slave the radar (like the MiG-29 and F-4J can) on the F-16.

The docs containing HMCS operations I know of are the FACH 3 (it’s a Tape M4.3) and the MLU M3 pilot’s guide. Both are export restricted I think.

BTW the MLU we got in game is barely a Tape M2.

Yeah, I saw it in the MLU M3.

I already have a report up about it.


it uses

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There’s another discrepancy. The EM chart of F-16A (with no blk info) and the blk15 FMS are exactly the same.

F-16Blk15 at 15k

Edit: They both show an engine of PW220, so the former must be block 15 too.

  1. In SAC…for F-16A (block 1-10) with F100-PW-200 engine…there is no such schedule!.
  2. SAC for F-16A(Block 15) with F100-PW-200 engine…

So block15 with PW200, has a Ps=400 curve extending over mach 1.4 at 15,000ft according to SAC (GW=23,768 lbs), just like the PW220 graph from the Fighter Weapons Symposium. (GW=20,875 lbs)

The Basic Employment Manual (KAFTTP 3-3) however, has a Ps=400 curve not even exceeding mach 1.2. I’m confused.