F-15C missing amraams


Most sophisticated and well thought-out response the Germany player base can muster. 🤣🤣🤣


Stat cards are basically useless, they should never be used to compares missiles except at a basic level. I can confirm the R-77 suffers a lot at long ranges from the fins, and the AMRAAM will beat it at long range shots pretty much every time. Honestly the 77 is arguably the worst ARH in game right now, but I’m not totally sure about that yet.

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if they wanna have an actual nice difference between the A and the B the B would be more CM resistant a lot more resistant to multipath and loft better, the main actual difference you’d feel would be between the A and the first stage C because it has a better booster and just better everything honestly

honestly for me it’s the fact they put in the mid 2000s F-15C, with the completely wrong engines and payload

mid 2000s F-15C with the V1 radar ran the PW-229 engines, and up until about 2007 ran 120C early and the aim9m

the early F-15C (MSIP1) had the 220E engines, not even the 220s that are in game rn

they also probably won’t implement the APG-70 radar even though it was ran on a few early C’s, the 2003 C with the -70 radar had 9M, 7M and the early 120C, it also had the PW-229 engines like every post 2000s C model, they should probably change it up at least the engines


220E and 220 are equal.

Do you have any proofs that 229 was installed on legacy eagles? F-15Es and further has modified engine bays.

i seen it somewhere about the C’s with 229s around about when the E’s got them but i’d have to find it again


Pack it up folks, I would not be surprised if it stays at 4 120s.


while yes ussr gets 6 ARH, however they are 50g missiles not 35g, 4 extra missiles makes sense for balancing this


More importantly the USSR beast is multirole capable while the US F-15C is not nearly as much so. By being a designated A2A fighter it should naturally be better with A2A stuff, no? So giving it two extra AMRAAMs makes sense

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true, it’d also be nice to see the GBU-15 and the popeye missile for the F-15C improved baz, but that’d get off topic

100% agree with that, heck both the US 15C and the Baz are missing a good number of A2G munitions.

I would be more than happy to see a lot of aircraft, both Israeli and US begin acquiring more of the A2G options that they had IRL.

Yes, it is tested and testable. The statcards are usually very vague and sometiems inaccurate. They dont give a lot of information in general.

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Fair, I flew the mig-29 last night and could not notice much of this. I’d need to play a bit more of it. The missile is likely underperforming, given that the R77 and the Aim-120 are nearly identical IRL (please correct me if I’m wrong). At least at the proper versions (120B = R77, 120C = R77-1, etc). It might be patched before going live.

The Fox 3s need a serious under-the-hood look as they are now. I’ve launched at AI aircraft from 3km with the missile going completely stupid. With plenty of other examples of them just missing a target 10km away flying 5km high. I doubt they will stay the same.

The R-77 has a paper maximum range similar to the AIM-120 but they’re different missiles and get those ranges in different ways. The R-77 has a more powerful motor, but the AIM-120 is lower drag. The estimates on R-77 max range are from high altitude where the drag matters less, so we’d pretty much expect that the AIM-120 has longer ranges at normal altitudes.


120A/B are superior to the base model R-77 IRL. The R-77-1 is comparable to a 120C-5.
*at least in a BVR situation

Oh absolutely. They are all fairly obviously unfinished and need lots of work. Too easy to chaff, major stability issues, incomplete seekers.

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Gaijin’s PID system for missile control needs some real work. It’s sort of weird they use it at all TBH given they use some adaptive control stuff for mouse aim which you’d imagine would work here too. That missiles are their own special thing rather than just being implemented as aircraft is part of it.


What is wrong about them? I’ve personally worked on F100-220s for the 122nd, and my squadron at the time got a commendation placard for it. I can say for an absolute fact that the F-15C MSIP-II has F100-220s.

The 229s were only allocated as an upgrade program to F-15Es alone. Not all F-15Es have 229s, they commonly had 220/220Es, though some units had the option to upgrade.

220 is better than the 220E. Even then, they were interchangeable and there was no set standard as to which engine was used.

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I have heard of some 15Cs getting them, I would wager it would be a similar situation to the APG-63(V)2 installs and the upgraded F-104Cs which got better engines, not standard at all, but present in the USAF somewhere and at some time.

I’ve heard that they are largely identical, the 100 vs 220 / 220E is just a reliability upgrade after all, the performance change, if any should be largely non-existent between all 3.


i can’t remember where i covered it but i did see something somewhere about a few 15Cs getting the 229s around about as the E’s got them but the other part about the 15C’s COMMONLY having 229s was just misinformation i seen on reddit

F-15Cs have never had -229 engines

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