F-15C missing amraams

I seriously doubt the extra 4 AMRAAMs would be fair.
Not only has the US had quasi-FOX 3s for a solid half year while everyone else had to keep their locks (look at how the F-14 had changed the entire playstyle of Air RB), this would put them 2 missiles beyond even the (arguably less potent) loadout on the Su-27SM.
What would be the justification for this other than “historical accuracy” (which we know gaijin cant actually be assed to take serious)?


Stock 9Ls, because it could, makes it unique to other F-15s, gives parity given the power of the MICA and the supposed to be power of the R-77, makes up for the lack of ability to also carry SARH unlike Su-27SM, because the new Su gets Kh-29s while the F-15C gets nothing like it (which it was supposed to- but that’s because it is an A2A fighter. A.k.a. its JOB was to carry a crap ton of Aim-120s) etc. etc. etc.

I would not have an issue with AIM-9Ms as stock on the F-15C cause that seriously is some crap and it should have them. But I dont see the real benefit to the game of having multiple aircraft behave like Tomcats on crack at the start of every match.
It would hurt Air RB even more than it is already suffering.

GRB has not been fair for US players for more than a year and Gaijin hasn’t adressed it properly, and it’s one of the main nations to oppose USSR/Germany playerbases in numbers.

In air, this argument of fairness went downhill ever since the oppressive R-27ER was added, we want to also have fun and finally be able to force other planes to go on the defensive.


The benefit is that more than one plane can do it so Balanced.

But more importantly than that, let me put it this way.

The F-15C is a designated A2A fighter. That was it’s job. It can do that really really well. So let’s give it an “all round” score, assuming it receives 8 120s.


However, it was not designed to be the world best CAS aircraft. So let’s rather that on a score of ten as well.


So the total score of the F-15C is 14/20.

The Su-27SM is a good A2A fighter, but not great. It lacks two ARHs and can be a bit of a brick at times. Let’s give it a score.


That said, it’s a much better multi role fighter. Just look at the Kh-38s! Although it has some room to grow, it is absolutely a capable beast. Not quite a designated attacker, but as close as you can get.


So what’s the overall score for the Su-27SM?
Also 14/20.

By removing four, or even two, of the AIM-120s, you are taking the score down to about 8/10, maybe 7/10 for the F-15C. Which means overall, the score is more like 11/20, 3 points less than the Su-27SM- meaning that it isn’t as good as the SM is, and therefore is worse. Meaning that it is not “balanced”, at least in the eyes of points on a board and not players in a field.


What about two extra? I would be fine with not having 8 AMRAAMs, I just don’t want my favorite fighter to be gimped when fighters of other nations are being added in their full capacity. Especially when the F-16C already exists with 6 AMRAAMs, which significantly weakens the argument for the F-15C retaining the 4 AMRAAM loadout.


If the Tornado and F4 have issues then they should be downtiered, or the F-15 uptiered. It remains silly to complain that the Tornado and F4 can’t compete with an aircraft at a higher BR than them.

You are ignoring that the 8x AMRAAM loadout means that the F-15 has no IR missiles. So if an opponent is notching or near ground they have no other weapon than their gun, which is a huge deficit relative to having IR missiles on tap.

In reality every missile has less and less value than the previous ones. Chances are you will live to use 2 missiles, but will you be alive after using 4? After 6? You can salvo AMRAAM’s, but it takes time and means continuing to remain offensive which will be more dangerous now.

The Phoenix has always been a very mid weapon, even its current state is the result of multiple buffs and it’s not terribly threatening. Note that the Soviets have had quasi-Fox 3 themselves with R-27’s ability to reliably relock meaning they only need to lock during terminal phase.

The F-14’s dominance wasn’t the result of Phoenixes, but that AIM-7F was better than any other SARH at the time, the F-14 had a better radar than other planes, and that it had a much better flight model than anything else. The AIM-120 is not widely better than the other ARH, the F-15’s radar is not better, and its flight model is good but not the best.

And this continues to ignore that ARH is not everything in a world where easy notching and multipathing still works. Planes are still going to end up in dogfights and giving up all your IR missiles will put you at a disadvantage here.



This, on a side note.

13.0 is waaaayyyy too low for the FOX-3s IMO, 13.3 is needed at least.


I’m curious about those “augmented thrust” and “gun pod” FASTs


This is such an underrated argument, with the current 6x AIM-120s loadout that the F-16C will get, Gaijin is doing actual powercreep to the F-15C in an update that features AIM-120s.

Absolute nonsense.

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You better worry about your F-4F ICE instead of commenting the F-15, mister. You’re not getting even IRCCM.

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Coping i see

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No IRCCM missiles, nor AIM-120Bs, you’re the one coping in other nations complaints.


I agree. Even disregarding the compression issue between 12.7s and 13.0, there’s such a huge disparity between the performances of the 13.0s. The F-16 and F-15 or Su-27 and MiG-29 shouldn’t be the same BR.

Haha cope with what you have. The hunger of American mains never ends


This sentence coming from the mains that permanently begs for subtrees is silly.

You’re probably the type of people that thought the F-15A should be 12.7. I won’t argue with you anymore, enjoy your ICE.


Ur lucky American mains can’t fly or it would be.


Nobody mention the J-8F’s BR to Gaijin lol. I’m not sure about 13.3, AMRAAM is certainly better than SARH but it’s not an overwhelming advantage. If you’re in a plane with better flight performance and can get to range, you’ll still win, and there’s ways to do that. If you have R-27ER you can force the AMRAAM shooter to break, potentially before the AMRAAM goes pitbull. So most of the 12.x planes can win against the F-15C. Now the Gripen is actually more scary in some ways because it has the same missile, but you really can’t dogfight it in anything.

There is kind of an issue for the Su-27 and MiG-29 given their flight performance is rather poor and the R-77 is worse at BVR. They do still have R-27ER to play with but they can’t do R-77 at the same time. I could see a world where they stay 13.0 and most other planes go to 13.3.

There’s 3 F-15’s right now and they’re all 12.3