F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion



The F-15A, if the 1977 design is in the game, is built to 7.33G with a safety multiplier of 1.5. So about 13G maximum. In its day the aircraft was chronically overloaded due to high G’s and had to be repaired frequently. This was the first time pilots had a machine capable of generating very high G’s on demand. The F-15 has no G limit, the pilot has to learn to stay within the safety limit, it has it’s strengths and weaknesses. The strength is that the pilot can pull above 9G ( like when a ground collision is imminent), the weakness is that he may not survive if he gets above the safety multiple. The F-16 has a fixed limit, it’s an advantage and also a disadvantage…

The F-14 is and isn’t better at AoA, it’s not an easy thing to judge.
The F-14 has had Wing rock since about 19 real AoAs, it did have landing problems which the DFCS on the mid 90’s F-14D eliminated.
Another problem, and a very significant one, was the TF-30 engines and their chronic unreliability in high AoA mode. Taken together, then, the F-15’s features were generally more accessible than those of the F-14A and perhaps the B.

Structural limit is as per flight manual 9G at 36000lb, 8.6G at 39000lb, x1.5.


This chart is for an F-15 with the OWS system. OWS stands for Overload Warning System. It is an aural system that warns the pilot how close he is to the maximum G ( which is calculated, adjusted by configuration, weight, speed, altitude, etc). If he gets beyond that maximum, he hears the Over-G, Over-G…
F-15 without OWS is 7.33G. So the F-15A in the game is a 7.33G airframe + 1.5 safety standard, so about 13G.
But nothing realistically limits the pilot, even with the F-15A in 1976 he could damage the airframe at 13+G.


OWS was added sometime in the mid-1980s on new aircraft and retroactively on all older aircraft.

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Yes, flight manual is from 1986. In game it is modeled as if OWS was installed and the wing rip follows the structural limit posted above x1.5

I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing, but I don’t have an F-15 in WT and when I watch the players in RB “wiggle” the mouse I’m amazed that all those planes somehow stay together :D

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U prolly know more than me, but shouldn’t the f-15 get m 2.5 top speed? Every thing that I found shows m 2.5 but it’s 2.4 in game for some reason. Maybe those speeds were in a shallow dive.

I already explained it to you above…

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Wait so at ideal conditions on full afterburner it can hit m2.5 tho right?

At STD -10ºC yes it does 2.5

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Just because no one does it doesn’t mean it will rip right?

It is not a magical plane, if you put 15G on one wing it will rip

The AIM-7F/M now have their self-destruct timer raised from 5 seconds to 20 seconds.



Some other missiles also had it raised to 15 - 20 seconds.




Is there any way to help me fix the roll rate when using the mouse? The F15 has a high-speed roll feel similar to the Mig29, but there’s something on the Mig29 that prevents me from rolling too much when using the mouse at supersonic speeds.

Roll rate is AoA and speed dependent, at very low AoA it is faster than the F-16, but as AoA increases the roll rate decreases, similar to the MiG 29. At supersonic speeds, the roll is also limited. If it is different in RB, it should be corrected.

it similar, but still too much for f15 wing
The wings of the F15 will break immediately if rolls, pulls, and rudder inputs are applied at supersonic speeds. I wonder if this is indeed the case, or if the wings will only deform before breaking completely. As far as I know, the wings of the F15A are quite flexible.

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The structure of the plane won’t just change because there is or isn’t OWS. Its ~9G+1.5x. An F-15A won’t just fail above 11G because its lacking OWS and another with the same structure will be able to pull 13.5G just because it has OWS. Its just operational limit, not structural. You can see that even without OWS F15As would be able to handle +7.33G without issue as it was all retrofitted to all planes
2023-12-28 (1)
when it was introduced in 1980.


Is there anyone who knows if HDN Mode is High or Low PRF? Because PD HDN is good for locking targets coming towards you because it has more range, but it has blind speeds (So Low PRF if I understood correctly). High PRF is better for all aspect PD locks but loses range because the higher frequencies so this looks like the SRC PD mode. Is this always the same in WT?

Also in the datamines this was included:



This made me think I am wrong about PD HDN being Low PRF but it could also be a mistake or being the Medium PRF mode.

Anyway if anyone could clarify I would be happy :)